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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

The Hangout- Tudor's After School Club

Introducing 'The Hangout' - Tudor Primary's after school childcare club...




The Hangout is Tudor School’s own after school club, set up to provide full wrap around care for all Tudor pupils from Reception to Year 6. 

A variety of timings with a proportional pricing structure are on offer, from 15:15 to 18:00 every school day. 

Children will be able to take part in adult led activities, supervised play, use a quiet space for reading or homework; and have a light tea/supper before being collected by a nominated adult. 

Staff Team


The Hangout Manager- Dylan Wendleken

Activity Leader- Bobbie McGee

Activity Staff- Joshua Robinson, Brandon Poole, Wendy Frampton-Salter

Timings & Prices

Sessions available to book, and their prices are as follows:








For childcare straight after school - pick your choice of finish time










All bookings should be made via the Arbor Parent Portal. Bookings should be made in advance, and can be booked online up to 2 hours in advance (i.e. until 13:15 on the day of the club).  If you find that you are unable to book a space, or need a space after the 2 hours cut off period, then please contact the school office on 01442 256294 to check last minute availability. 

Bookings are made in the same way you would book Breakfast Club – simply log in to your Arbor account online or on the app on your phone:

  • Top up your Wraparound Care account by card payment
  • Click on Clubs, choosing The Hangout, then Register (child’s name) for this club. 
  • Choose your membership option, then select your days.
  • Finally select your session interval. This interval will apply to all selected days, so if you need a day with a later finish, please book this separately.

DIRECT PHONE CONTACT FOR THE HANGOUT (if unable to contact school via main office number)- 07754066655 

Cancellation Policy

Sessions can be cancelled up to 24 hours in advance of the session by emailing The time stamp on your email will be used to determine the 24 hours allowance.  The balance for this session will be credited to your wraparound care account.  Cancellations after this time can still be made by emailing, but no refund will be made.

Late Collection Policy

The Hangout finishes at 6pm. Please ensure that you book the correct session times for your needs. If you have booked a 5.45pm finish time but subsequently arrive after this time, but before 6pm, we will amend your booking to show the later pick up rate of £15.  Any pickups after 6pm will be charged an additional £10 fee per 15 minutes which will be added to your wraparound care account.


Your Wraparound care account should have a credit balance BEFORE making a booking, so do check and top up your Arbor account before you book your sessions.  Sessions cannot be booked unless you have a credit balance.  Payment can be made via card/Google/Apple pay on the Arbor app; or via your Tax Free Childcare account, or Childcare Vouchers (see below for details).

Tax-free childcare – HMRC

The Hangout is part of Tudor Primary School which is Ofsted-registered, which means we can accept tax-free childcare. For every £8 you pay into this scheme, the government tops up your account with a further £2, which you can use to pay for childcare. So, for example, if you deposit £80, the government will contribute £20, giving you a total of £100 to spend on childcare. You can find out more about the scheme and your eligibility here –

If you’re going to take advantage of this scheme to pay for The Hangout please email us on to give us your reference number so that we can link the payments to your account.

If you wish to reserve places at The Hangout that you will pay for with Tax Free Childcare that has not yet arrived, please email us at the address above and we will hold your spaces for you.

Childcare Vouchers

Childcare vouchers are a popular and viable payment method; we work with all registered childcare voucher providers, allowing families to book The Hangout using their voucher of choice for either full or part payments.  We will need to register with your voucher provider if this is not showing as available, so please send us the details of your provider via email to as soon as you are able in order that we can set up an account with your provider and you can start making bookings.  If you wish to reserve places at The Hangout that you will pay for with vouchers and the system is not set up in time for you, please email us at the address above and we will hold your spaces for you.   

Allergies/Medical needs

The Hangout will use details from your child’s Tudor School record, so please ensure that you update the Arbor app with any information the school needs to know.

Contact Information and Names Authorised to Collect

Again, we will use information from Arbor to check who is allowed to pick up children from The Hangout.  Names can be added or removed via the Arbor app.

Further Policies including:



First Aid

As The Hangout is owned and run by Tudor itself, all the school polices above and more will apply during time in the club.  All our policies can be viewed on this website using the School and Governor Policies section.