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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary is delighted to work in partnership with Mobile Pools UK. This means that the children in Y3 and Y4 have highly individualised swimming lessons at Tudor Primary. The lessons are delivered as intensive, short- term provision over 4 weeks in the summer term.

For more information follow:

They learn water safety, swimming strokes and improve their confidence and stamina. There is a heavily subsidised charge for this, which covers provision of the mobile pool and all tuition and support.

Frequently asked questions;

  1. What is the ratio of swimming teachers to children?   12 children to 2 swimming teachers . A 1: 6 ratio
  2. How are children assessed for their individual needs and ability to swim? Children will be grouped by ability; from non-swimmers to fully proficient. Children have individually shared their confidence level in the water with Mr Higgins which will form the basis of initial grouping. The swimming teachers are very experienced in assessing the children’s ability in the water and move children if they feel they are in an unsuitable group.
  3. How long are the children swimming for?  30 – 45 minutes. 
  4. How are nervous children assessed and dealt with? The teachers are very experienced in dealing with over confident and also nervous children and they will be handled carefully and encouraged.
  5. How deep is the water? 1.2/1.3 metres and children that cannot swim at all are given up to 3 arm discs on each arm - they then are very buoyant.
  6. How many children/adults will be in the water at one time? A maximum of 12 children with usually one teacher on the side and one in the water.
  7. How warm is the water? Between 30 and 31 degrees.
  8. When will I need to bring swim wear in and what do they need?  Your child will be in the water 5 days running during their year groups allocated week.  They will require swim wear, swim hat, towel.  Goggles are optional.
  9. If my child is a very proficient swimmer already (having had private swimming lessons) will they be pushed to further their skill levelThese children will be in the same group dedicated to them.  The teachers will do their best to ensure they are challenged and skills are fine tuned.
  10. I already pay for my child to have private lessons – why should I pay for school swimming lessons? School swimming lessons will complement their learning outside of school, are a great opportunity for children to swim with their peers, further increase water confidence and build on the skills they are learning.
  11. Do the children do a session where they wear their pyjamas? This depends on the groups skill level and is purely at the discretion of the teachers and if they feel they are at that level, so not all children will do this.
  12. Where will my child get changed?  The cloakrooms will be privatised so that children can change in confidence and privacy.  The toilets will also be available to them.
  13. If my child is unwell and unable to swim what will they do during the lesson period In the unfortunate situation where your child is unable to join in they will remain in the classroom with the rest of the class who are waiting for their turn to swim.
  14. Does my child have to take part? Swimming and water safety is an important life skill and development/ progression of skills in this area is a valuable part of children’s education. It is also an expectation of the National Curriculum.  All children are expected to take part.  Typically, at Tudor the only non-swimmers have been due to medical conditions that prohibit them being in water.
  15. The cost for swimming is described as a ‘contribution’ does this mean I don’t have to pay? As swimming is a National Curriculum requirement we cannot insist that parents pay for the activity.  However, in order for us to provide this learning opportunity, we kindly ask that you support us in covering some of the cost.  Without your financial contribution, we would not be able to run swimming lessons.