Working with the local community... and What's on?!
During this year, the school building and grounds have been used by the 3rd Apsley Brownies and ERT Motorbike Training School.
The local SchoolSports Partnership has facilitated our involvement in a wide range of sporting activities.
Our mutually beneficial partnership with the University of Hertfordshire contributes to the training and development of future teachers, while providing additional teachers for our children.
We work closely with our local Children’s Centres and our District Schools’ Partnership.
Tesco allow us to use their car park for our Park & Stride scheme.
We have hosted some family learning events, including Culture Club, Foundation Stage’ and Y1 & 2 meetings for parents and an English language class for parents.
The Friends of Tudor have run a number of very successful events including our phenomenal Summer Fayre, and we are grateful to them for all their hard work.
We are grateful to Nisa, our local convenience store, for their very generous donations to the school.