Welcome to Tudor Foundation Stage!
About us ...
Our Foundation Stage Unit consists of three classes and is led by Mrs Price, our Early Years Leader.
Red Class (Reception) - Class Teacher - Miss Adams Teaching Assistant - Mrs Jones
Yellow Class (Reception) - Class Teacher - Mrs Price Teaching Assistant - Mrs Onigas
Nursery Class - Class Teacher - Miss Pike Nursery Nurse - Miss Umney
RECEPTION have PE on Friday afternoons with Mr Higgins and are required to come into school wearing their PE kits for the whole of Friday.
NURSERY will have their PE lessons in the hall every Monday.
To see what we have been up to each month, please see our individual year group blogs to the right-hand side of this page :)
The topic for our first half-term is: 'Do you believe in magic?'
We will be starting our new topic by reading The Magic Train Ride. Each week our train will take us to a magical land. We will learn about magical creatures and themes, and link it to other themed books. We will be painting creatures and learn about the role of different paintbrushes.
The topic for our second half-term our topic is: 'Out of this World!'
We will be starting our new topic on Space by learning about the solar system. We will have a higher focus on non-fiction texts this half term, with particularly attention on our amazing planet Earth. We will also explore fiction texts in our NASA space station. Our half term will conclude on the celebration of Easter and Spring.