Come and find out what your child is learning about!
At Tudor Primary, there are opportunities for parents to see what their children have been learning about in school during class assemblies. These take place in the school hall.
Follow this link for the school calendar to find out when each class is 'on stage'...
Twice a year, each class has the opportunity to present and perform a short assembly to the school.
The children clearly adore being able to share what has been 'going on' in their class and I know the rest of the school enjoy being entertained.
Since Spring 2017, parents have been able to share the fun of our 'class assemblies'. Please understand that, due to space, we can only allow parents/ close family for the children in the class who is presenting.
For each assembly, parents are to enter the hall via one of the outside doors.
Doors will open at
Assembly to start at 9.10am
We hope to see you there. We are sure that you will enjoy your visit...