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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

'Read all about it!' Our latest newsletter...

Keeping you all informed!

24th November 2017

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Development- for the staff as well as the building!

Last week, the teaching team took part in the ‘Autumn cycle’ of monitoring and evaluation. This involved the leadership team of the school looking at standards across the school. So that we gain a detailed understanding of how the children are being taught, a range of evidence was looked at including: standards in books, an evaluation of the classroom environment, meetings about progress and classroom observations. What is central to this process is the recognition that teachers are supported in making the ‘next steps’ in their performance. I am very confident in saying that the staff team continue to be committed (and able!) to show that we are all ‘learners’ at Tudor Primary- it’s not just the children!

The works continue on the hall extension and it will not be long before we start to see the new school ‘frontage’ take shape. I look forward to our kerb appeal being as equally attractive to what goes on inside.  

Tours, tours and more tours...

The office team cannot remember it being as busy for school tours like it is at the moment. What is pleasing is that this is an indicator of our growing reputation as a successful 2-form entry Primary school. Many of our ‘visiting parents’ comment that they are looking around due to recommendations from our current parents – that is really pleasing to hear and we are determined to keep meeting (and exceeding) your expectations...

Do have a look at a recent news article on our website that is titled ‘A Day at Tudor Primary’- I hope you enjoy finding out about how the school runs on each (very different!) day. The web link for this news item is:

Parking- Making the right choices

I must say that I have enjoyed spending time on the school gate the last few weeks. As well as being able to greet many of you, I have been able to view the traffic situation for our school. I remain convinced that if all parents make the ‘right decisions’ about parking (when and where), the front of the school can be a positive and ordered place to be. I have worked in a number of schools before and I can honestly say that this school has (by far) the ‘least problematic’ drop off and pick up time. My previous school was much larger and it was also directly next to a 1000+ pupil secondary school- imagine how busy it was at home time there!

Please do all that you can to make the situation easier for all and, if you do need to park your car close to the school, please do so considerately. It is frustrating when I inform local residents that I am asking for support from parents and they then email me a photograph of a car blocking their drive. 

Sporting success

The website (which continues to get a lot of praise- please use it!) also highlights some super news stories in sport. As well as our football team winning our first football match, the year 2 ‘Target Sports team’ achieved 3rd place at a recent sports festival. Mr Higgins and Mr Miller are clearly starting to raise the performance levels as well as our reputation as a ‘sporting school’.

Attendance- It really does matter...

The attendance figures for last week were:

 R: 88.8%        Y: 92.8%         1O: 95.5%                 1P: 92.0%      2Q: 99.0%                 2R:98.7%

3S: 96.7%       3T: 92.1%       4U: 93.3%                  4V: 99.2%     5W: 99.3%                5X: 98.6%

6Y: 95.6%       6Z: 93.7%       Total: 95.3%            Target= 97%+  Let’s try and make this!

Well done to 2Q, 2R, 4V, 5W and 5X who all reached the target.

It’s beginning to look a lot like...

Whilst it bothers me greatly to say the word during November, some festive ‘events’ are about to take place. Our Christmas lunch will be served next Thursday (we needed to book this early due to the hall build) and corridors are starting to be filled with ‘festive favourites’ in preparation for our open air concert on Tuesday 12th December. I am so hopeful for kind weather that week!

Friends of Tudor

As well as serving festive food and drink at the concert in December the FOT are looking forward to their next events. The ‘FOT Christmas Bingo’ will take place on Friday 1st December. To join in, simply turn up with families and friends for a great night- and make sure you wear your xmas jumpers! If you can, please bring a raffle prize to help us raise funds for the school.

Don’t forget that the FOT Movie Nights are next week (booking essential):

Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 is from 5pm -7pm on Wednesday 29th November

Years 3,4,5 and 6 is from 5pm- 7pm on Thursday 30th November.     

It’s not long until the next Tudor Owls Cake Sale:

Tudor Owls- Friday (1st December) is cake day. This time it will be the turn of the children in Year 2  to provide biscuits and Y5 to provide cakes. Tudor Owls charge 20p for each cake or for two biscuits. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN CAKES/ BISCUITS THAT CONTAIN NUTS- THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Enjoy your weekend...

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher