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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

News and views- latest newsletter online...

Sharing ways so that we can all 'do our bit' to make Tudor even better

22nd September 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,

Whilst I aim to be ‘upbeat’ in the sharing of news, I do want to start by sharing some concerns at the moment regarding the parking/ traffic outside the front of the school.

Parking- let’s all do our bit!

Now that the school has become a ‘full’ 2- form entry school (we now have 430 children!), the pressures on the surrounding roads have increased considerably. The school is making contact with those in the local authority (who are able to influence traffic management) to see if they have sustainable ideas to improve the experience for parents of Tudor children as well as local residents.

To support us with this, could I ask that parents park a little further away from the school and walk the last part of the journey - I am sure that the experience for all will be much easier (and safer). Those parents that use the option of parking at Tescos and walking 5 minutes inform me that this is stress free and simple to do. For those coming to Tudor from other directions parents tell me that there is ample parking in nearby roads and the main problems they see relate to the conflict of direction with cars outside the school. If the flow was in a single direction (see map), the situation would improve.

‘Moving forward’, therefore, can I ask you to consider:

  • Walking to school
  • Using the ‘voluntary 1-way system’ (see diagram)
  • Parking at Tescos and walking to school
  • Parking a short distance away and walking the final bit
  • Using the (free) breakfast club (Years 4-6) to help limit the amount of traffic at the start of school

If we all do our bit, traffic problems WILL ease and I am sure everyone’s experience in the mornings will improve. Whatever choices you do make, please can I ask you to be considerate to local residents and each other.    

Communication- please use the home school diaries!

At the start of last year, I introduced the use of home school diaries to Tudor. These have really helped with the sharing of important information between home and school but they will only continue to work if parents complete them appropriately- the staff DO check these so if you have any questions/ notes for your child’s teacher then please use them.

‘It’s only attendance that is stopping you being OUTSTANDING for behaviour’

As Ofsted noted, attendance of children at Tudor is not at a level that we should expect. A ‘basic target’ of 97%+ is achievable and I know we can get there. Please ensure you have high expectations for your children’s attendance. The rates of attendance last week were:

 R: 96.0%        Y: 95.2%         1O: 95.7%%              1P: 96.0%      2Q: 99.3%                 2R:99.3%

3S: 99.7%       3T: 97.3%       4U: 94.8%                  4V: 98.7%      5W: 98.7%                 5X: 93.4%

6Y: 92.6%       6Z:96.9%        Total: 96.9%            Target= 97%+  we were SO close!

‘Tudor Primary and the Mountain of Lost Property’

I recently shared my pride at how smart the children looked on their return to school but, to ensure they remain smart, it is important for the children to go home with the clothes that they came in! Therefore, PLEASE put labels/ names in your child’s clothes. To help you ‘find’ any misplaced items we have moved the lost property to the entrance to the KS2 building (by the library doors). The disabled toilet (the old home of lost property) was not accessible recently due to the mountain of jumpers, coats (and other things) that have been left!

The FOT are already busy at work

The FOT Adventure Play Date last Sunday proved popular and I know that many children (and families) had a great time. A big thank you to Viv and her team for organising this fun opportunity for families to get together.

It’s not long until the next Tudor Owls Cake Sale:

Tudor Owls

Next Friday (29th September) is cake day. This time it will be the turn of the children in Y1 to provide biscuits and Y5 to provide cakes. Tudor Owls charge 20p for each cake or for two biscuits. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN CAKES/ BISCUITS THAT CONTAIN NUTS- THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Autumn Parent Consultations

Our Autumn consultations will take place on Tuesday 17th October and Thursday 19th October. Online booking is now open for this- please visit  Guidance is also available on the website- see ‘Parents Evening and Reporting Progress’

Closing thoughts...

As I conclude this newsletter this week, I notice that much of the ‘news’ relates to the importance of us all working together to help the children of Tudor achieve and thrive. I am immensely proud at how the school has grown and changed in the recent past and I continue to be determined to ensure our school has high aspirartions.

Thank you to the large majority of the Tudor community who are ‘doing their bit’ to try and make this school the best it can be!

Mr Weightman