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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

End of Year Consultations-Reporting your child's progress

Supporting your understanding of our new reports...

Whilst it has been good to see many parents at the first of our two 'Summer Consultations', we are keen to ensure that you are all fully informed about our new approach to reporting your child's achievements (and progress) from this year.

Use this link to access our web guide to the new reports.

You will notice that there are some new numbers/ tables on the report. Over time, please be assured that you will become more informed about how well your child is performing in school- both in respect of their own attainment as well as in comparison to national expectations.

The end of year consultation is very valuable as your teacher will be able to provide additional information/ tips/ ideas on how to help achieve those next steps.

As always, your child's teacher will also be on hand to respond to any questions your have about your child's schooling.

If you do not have  an appointment, do go online  to book as we still have some spaces available for Thursday.  Visit:

If this is a problem, do not hesitate in contacting your child's classteacher and/ or the school office who will be able to support you in ensuring your receive your child's end of year report.