Stay informed as we start the second half of the school year!
Newsletter 11
Thursday 27th February 2025
Some comments from county about YOUR school
Whilst we await the final report, I am delighted to be able to share some initial feedback from our school effectiveness advisor. There is a big focus on curriculum in schools at the moment and I remain confident that Tudor continues to be well ahead of the game here.
Our thematic and creative curriculum is adored by the children and is a clear strength of ours. Here are some of the comments that were shared with the leadership of the school. Well done everyone!
'Brilliant, just brilliant'
‘Really knowledgeable subject leaders’
A really well-planned curriculum’
‘This school is about skills, skills, skills…’
‘The children in early years were absolutely engrossed’
‘Low attaining children are able to be fully involved as part of the class’
‘The early years are a super foundation for later years’
‘Pedagogy is a real strength of the school’
‘Consistency throughout the school’
AMAZING SUPPORT- THANK YOU! In the last newsletter I felt it appropriate to highlight some views of the school on our need for parental support on building resilience and making those tough decisions when the need arises. I must admit I was a little unsure to raise such a point in a newsletter. In response, I have been THRILLED with the level of support that we have received. In fact, I have never had such positive feedback in relation to a newsletter! I have no difficulty in acknowledging that raising two of my own children will always be more challenging (and stressful… well maybe not 😉) than looking after 450 that do not belong to me. Being a parent is HARD! Yes, it is the most rewarding experience of all but those biggest steps forward come from those moments when we overcome challenge or respond to difficulty. In case you missed it, here is the key section from the newsletter before half term:
PLEASE READ- The tougher choice is often the right one- building RESILIENCE; building FUTURES!
Spending time with secondary leaders recently has highlighted how a number of schools are investing in helping families support their children with making the right choices. This may relate to children simply not wanting to attend school and/ or do things that they do not want to do. Looking at this in more detail, I think that by secondary school, the values and views of the children are already set- in fact it could be argued that it’s probably too late. As someone who has now worked in education for over 30 years, there is, without doubt a developing situation where children are enabled to now share (or even dictate) to their parents what they will, or will not do. As this newsletter highlights earlier, by FAR the biggest influences on the future outcomes of our Tudorites will be those people they love the most- their parents. It is vital to consider, therefore, that the correct decision is not always the easiest one. In fact, it is often the choice that creates the most challenge or tension that’s correct. How can we build resilience and a confidence in children if we allow (and enable) them to make decisions for which they are simply not mature enough to fully comprehend the impact? There will be days when children ‘do not want to come in’ and/ or ‘to join the extra learning club’ that has been provided for them. But, whilst we know this, the long-term gain FAR EXCEEDS the short-term pain! Please be assured that our outcomes (social as well as academic) for the vast majority of our children should fill us with pride, we want EVERY child to succeed and be aspirational for a fantastic future. Whilst school can help facilitate that goal, it is the DUTY of the parent to help guide it. We are ALL #TeamTudor!
Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Leader for Inclusion:
Our next ‘Tudor Coffee Morning’ will be taking place on Friday 7th March at 9am. Please come along for an informal chat about any aspect of your child’s education or general wellbeing (or for a hot drink and biscuit). All parents/carers are welcome - it would be great to see you. We are currently in the Spring ‘Individual Support Plan (ISP) Window’. If your child has an ISP, you will have been invited to a meeting to review your child’s current targets and agree on next steps. Please ensure you attend this meeting, it is vital we work in partnership to ensure your child fulfils their potential. If you cannot attend the appointment your child’s class teacher has suggested, please contact them to rearrange a convenient date and time.
FOT- TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE- the circus is coming!
It is truly exciting that the Friends of Tudor have managed to source the country’s leading school circus experience for the weekend of May 31st/ June 1st.
This is the second weekend of the summer half term break and it is sure to be a truly unforgettable occasion for the school community. There will also be some extra special surprises in store too!
The ‘Hangout Easter Holiday’- booking is now open for our holiday provision. There will be so much on offer from the 7th-11th April and your children will have an awesome time. Do check your emails for more information!
Important Dates:
1P- 13th March
1O- 20th March
5W- 27th March
5X- 3rd April
Tudor Book Day- Wednesday 12th March
The Tudor Circus Weekender! - Sat 31st May and Sun 1st June
The School Choir were AMAZING at Wembley!
Well done to Miss Williams and her school choir who performed at Young Voices. The school has received so many positive messages about how much the children enjoyed it.
Reading- Let’s work TOGETHER- I have already mentioned the section on building resilience from the last newsletter but we also need your ongoing support for helping your children develop their reading skills. Reading is, without doubt, the most important homework of all and your engagement here will enable them to flourish as they progress through school and beyond.
Evidence tells us that our early reading support is strong, our end of school results are fantastic too- let’s just keep a focus on reading for pleasure as well. It’s not just key for developing language and vocabulary, the impact can be seen in so many other ways. After ‘learning to read’ it’s about ‘READING TO LEARN’.
Tudor Book Day- Keep an eye out for the communication about our celebration of the importance of reading on Weds 12th March. There will be fun reading activities, author workshops and more.
Be school READY! Following the email to parents before half term, there has been a clear improvement already in regard to children being READY and prepared for school. We have a very clear uniform policy and we expect all families to adhere to the fair expectations within it. As children grow up do like to express themselves in different ways- and not just with uniform! Despite what they say, children naturally LIKE (and need!) boundaries and this is why they will test things at times. They are just seeking to find out what they can or cannot do in different situations. It is OUR role (and responsibility) to guide them appropriately. Preparing the adults of tomorrow is not easy- working in partnership though is the first step!
Let’s be ready to START at 8.45am EVERY day…