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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Sun is shining inside...and out!


The latest newsletter is out today and it does contain lots of positive information...

You can access the latest newsletter below.

This may not be the only 'piece of paper' in your child's book bag though. Now that we have managed to successfully appoint a new sports coach for September, we are keen to 'end' the year well in a sporting way. A number of new clubs have been formulated and this will ensure that we can 'begin' to offer extra- curricular provision that meets my aspirations for sport at Tudor (and for all ages).

Talking of being active, please follow this link for the HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES that are going on in the local area over half term:

The weather has certainly been warm these last few days but the children are certainly not 'flagging'- they continue to show such positive energy in and around school. The standard of work in books and on display is pleasing and the children are clearly enjoying their learning. Do take some time to look at the range of class blogs on this website- there is some really imaginative ideas to look at. The blogs are found within the 'Curriculum and Classes' section of the 'Learning' tab. 

To ensure that positivity is maintained in the local area, I do ask you all to be considerate when parking at the start and the end of each day. As the newsletter highlights, there has been an increase in the number of complaints from local residents. Cars have been blocking drives and there have also been reports of some of our parents being aggressive to local home owners (and each other) when challenged. Please do plan ahead and/ or experiment with trying new approaches to school drop off/ pick ups. Consider parking further away and/ or using Tesco car park. We are fortunate in that we are not placed on (or near) a busy road but the smaller local roads can become very congested.

Whilst I am very proud of how our school is progressing, we must all recognise our role in ensuring that Tudor is a true part of the community.


Have a restful half term...

Mr Rob Weightman
