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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Newsletter 16- Wednesday 26th June 2024

Lots of information to share including class allocations for 2024/2025

Newsletter 16

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Busy, busy, busy… and Beano Bussy!

We are now in the final four weeks of the school year and Tudor continues to set super standards in a range of areas. Year 1 have achieved wonderful outcomes for the statutory phonics testing and year 4 have (again) scored TOP MARKS in the national multiplication check assessments. Well over 60% of our children scored 24 or 25 (out of 25!) and the average mark for every child in year 4 was 21.7 out of 25- these are scores that not many schools can match! Our approaches at Tudor have led the way so much in the last few years and I remain delighted that we continue to achieve such high results whilst still providing the children with a balanced, rounded education that values the full curricular spectrum.

Be assured that the school leaders are keen for your children to enjoy as many extra experiences as possible and school has been delivering: trips to Kew Gardens, extra skiing lessons, Tudor beach fun, specialist science experiences, Eid celebrations, a visit from the Beano bus, more Friday Freewheeling, a wide range of after school clubs… and more!

#TeamTudor for 2024/25…

I am excited to share the staff team for next academic year. As recent newsletters have shared, we have some changes due to maternity cover, promotions and relocations. A high-quality teaching team is vital for our continued development and, whilst we are sad to see some TREMENDOUS teachers move on from Tudor, we are DELIGHTED with the new talent that we have been able to source. Tudor certainly has a reputation for attracting a lot of interest and we have even been able to help other schools in Dacorum with their own recruitment… but obviously we kept the BEST for ourselves 😉 The team for 2024/2025 is as follows:



Moved from?


Miss Pike



Miss Adams



Mrs Price



Ms Gamble



Miss Scott



Miss Cohen

1P- Miss Manzie


Mrs Funnell (Miss Grundy)

1O- Miss Houston


Miss Cosby

2R- Miss Scott


Miss Williams

2Q- Miss Cohen


Mr Munro

3S- Mrs McKenzie 


Miss Tripp

3T- Miss Gamble


Mr Harvey

4V- Miss Grundy


Mrs McKenzie

4U- Miss Foy


Mrs Wood

5X- Miss Sentence


Mr Crowder

5W- Miss Cosby

Inclusion at Tudor Primary- a message from Miss Reading- our Assistant Head for Inclusion:

We have our final 'Tudor Coffee Morning' of the year, on Thursday 27th June at 9am. We will be discussing supporting children with transitions (to a new class or school) and all parents/carers are very welcome. As previously shared, Tudor Primary now has a trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) in school, every Monday. Anne Weedon (EMHP) can offer weekly 1-hour sessions to parents who require guidance and support to understand their child's anxiety or to manage behaviour. If this is something you may be interested in please do contact me via email at:

End of Year Parent Reports- make sure YOUR child is represented…

Please make sure that your child is represented by their family at the end of year report meetings.  If you are unable to attend the dates we have available please write in your child's red home school diary to alert the teacher. Your engagement is of huge importance and we look forward to seeing you all.  To support families, a creche will be available in the hall for children– cost of £2 per child payable in cash on the door. Let’s work TOGETHER.

Use to book your slot. Hyperlink is SchoolCloud - Tudor Primary School

A message from the Tudor Owls

On Friday 5th July, we are holding a ‘Go Purple Day’. On that day, pick some purple clothing (or accessories!) to wear and bring a voluntary £1 donation to school.

The children are raising money (and awareness) for the Hospice of Saint Francis. More information at:

Diary Dates:

1O assembly - Thurs 27th June

Go Purple- Fri 5th July

Parent consultations- Tues 9th/ Thurs 11th July

Sports Day- Mon 15th July

Y6 assembly- Thurs 18th July (eve)

PLEASE SUPPORT our office team- The office team at Tudor would like to remind all parents of the importance of informing the school if your child is absent. It should not be the job of Tudor staff to find out why a child is not in school. Getting to school on time so children can enter their classroom in the correct way is also an expectation that all parents should meet. School staff are having to transport children around the school so that they reach their classroom. Well done to the VAST majority of parents who enable their children to start EVERY DAY in the RIGHT WAY! School starts at 8.45am and this is when we should all expect children to enter their class.

A SUPER Summer Picnic- It was great to see the number of families who enjoyed the Summer picnic last weekend. The Friends of Tudor make such a positive difference for EVERY child in our school. Whilst the clouds looked a little ominous in the morning, the event proved successful- well done (and thank you) to all those who attended.

Come and support Dollie’s exhibition- Tudor’s talent is on show!

We should all feel proud of the recent artistic success of Dollie who is currently delivering her first art exhibition following her success in the recent Dacorum Young Artists competition. If you are able to, Dollie and her family would love some Tudor support at the exhibition itself.

The exhibition is open from 25th June to the 4th July at OpenDoor Berko, 360-364 High Street in Berkhamsted, HP4 1HU. Opening times are 10.30am-3.30pm Mon-Fri and 10.30am-1.30 pm on Saturdays. As well as Dollie’s amazing art work, there are hot drinks, homemade cakes and other tasty refreshments. Have a look at:

I trust that this newsletter helps share the positive atmosphere that permeates our school at the moment. The children are really flourishing- academically and socially. I look forward to sharing the report from the county Early Years inspection that took place this week. The verbal feedback at the end was excellent and we should all feel proud of how well our youngest Tudorites progress in their vital first year of primary education. 

As the picture on the above shows, their Tudor pride is maintained right up to their move to their secondary schools… well done EVERYONE! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Mr Weightman
