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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

*Update* Non-uniform day for our chosen charity

The amazing families of Tudor raised £436.35 - thank you!


Tudor Owls - our school council - have voted 'The Hospice of St.Francis' to be our chosen charity for this year. 

Their first planned event will be a non-uniform day on Friday 5th July where they are asking all children to come to school wearing something purple.  This can be just one item, or they can come dressed from head to toe!  In exchange, we are asking for a voluntary donation of £1 - with all proceeds going to this worthy cause.

File:Thank-You purple-yellow.svg - Wikimedia Commons

The charity not only provides care for those who are diagnosed with a serious illness, but they also work with children and young people to help them express themselves and reflect about their situation in a safe environment through talking, art making, play and storytelling.

Click here to find out more about the valuable work they do for our local community.