Learning, learning, learning...
It really is hard to believe that we are at the end of our first full week. Whilst there isn't a newsletter for the children to bring home today, I wanted to share some news about what has been happening in Tudor this week.
First of all, I would like to say how well attended the parent meetings have been. During these, I have been scribbling notes myself as I am also finding out about how the classes run! What is clear, though, is that the teachers are very keen to provide a stimulating and rewarding year for your children and I know they are all keen to respond to any questions you may have.
On the subject of sharing information, I am pleased to say that the home/ school diaries have proved popular with families so far. Do feel confident in using them to communicate with your child's teacher and remember to check them daily. The teaching staff can also use them to share news as well as the occasional teaching tip.
As I mentioned in the newsletter, I am determined to deliver an up-to-date and valuable website that we all enjoy visiting (and using!). Do expect to see: important news stories, celebrations of achievement, learning tips, fun photos and much more. You may have noticed that on the 'curriculum and classes' tab that each class now has a 'blog'. This is an area of the website which should provide you a true understanding of life for your child in that year group.
I will endeavour to make the 'userbility' of this website as simple as possible and I have been impressed with how the website works on smartphones.
A website can only be successful if the school community is using it.
I will conclude this section of news with a quote from 'Thorgeil the Viking' who led a workship about life as a Viking to the children of year 5 this morning:
'Thank you ever so much. I have just had the pleasure of working with two absolutely delightful classes.'
Have a super and safe weekend.
Rob Weightman- Headteacher