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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 26

  • Cycling proficiency, SATs and so on...

    Published 17/05/18
    A time to shine... Read More
  • May 11th Newsletter is in book bags...

    Published 11/05/18
    Lots of important news to share. Do stay informed... Read More
  • Read all about it!

    Published 27/04/18
    Latest newsletter now online (and in book bags)... Read More
  • 'I believe in challenges!'

    Published 27/04/18
    Headteacher is here to serve... but HOT CHOCOLATE?! Read More
  • Consideration - our value for May

    Published 24/04/18
    Consideration incorporates many of our previous values and by developing considerate behaviours, our world becomes a happier and better place in which to live. Read More
  • Summer is here!

    Published 18/04/18
    A bright start to the term... and so much to look forward to! Read More
  • End of Term News- including HT Award winners!

    Published 29/03/18
    A big well done to all the winners today... Read More
  • End of Term Newsletter- PLEASE READ

    Published 28/03/18
    Lots of important news (and messages) about life at Tudor Primary... Read More
  • What a week that was! 

    Published 23/03/18
    So much going on for the children who attend our school... Read More
  • Maths Challenge

    Published 19/03/18
    Well done to our marvellous mathematicians Read More
  • School OPEN on Monday 19th March

    Published 18/03/18
    See you all on Monday...  Read More
  • Latest Newsletter- Make sure you stay informed!

    Published 15/03/18
    The latest newsletter is now online. What has been happening at Tudor and what is happening in the future... Read More