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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 21

  • Value of the Month - Trust

    Published 02/06/19
    “Trusting someone is like knowing you can jump and they will be there to catch you.” Anon Read More
  • Newsletter 16- end of the half term...

    Published 24/05/19
    Important news updates- stay informed about life at Tudor! Read More
  • Latest Newsletter- 10th May

    Published 10/05/19
    Keep up to date with 'Tudor News'- After School Club info too... Read More
  • WEB UPDATE- Friday 3rd May

    Published 03/05/19
    MAY the learning (and fun) be with you... Read More
  • Support Walk to School Week (20th to 24th May 2019)

    Published 03/05/19
    Our challenge in 2019 in Hertfordshire is to increase daily physical activity especially in our young people. Children and adolescents should have 60 mins (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily for their wellbeing. Please support your child/children to participate in your school’s Walk to... Read More
  • Newsletter 14- The first for our new term!

    Published 26/04/19
    Important 'Tudor News' to share with you... Read More
  • A fun end to a super term...

    Published 04/04/19
    A final web update for the Spring term Read More
  • March 29th- Newsletter 13 is now online!

    Published 29/03/19
    Keeping up to date with everything at Tudor Primary... Read More
  • Value of the month - Tolerance

    Published 28/03/19
    'If we could look into each other’s heart and understand the unique challenges each one of us face, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance and care.' ~Marvin J. Ashton~ Read More
  • Newsletter 12 now online...

    Published 18/03/19
    Keep up to date with the latest school news!   Read More
  • 1st March- Newsletter 11

    Published 01/03/19
    Keep up to date with the latest Tudor news! Read More
  • Respect - value of the month

    Published 28/02/19
    One of the most important things you can teach your child is respect.  Read More