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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 16

  • SRE Policy parent consultation- further UPDATE

    Published 21/05/20
    SEPTEMBER UPDATE- due to school closure we will continue to pin this new piece of school documentation on the website. The school did receive parental input/ feedback on the policy during the main period of consultation but we are happy to receive any further comments/ suggestions... Read More
  • Newsletter 16- June 1st Reopening (and a video treat!)

    Published 21/05/20
    Please stay informed with all key information regarding the arrangements from June 1st Read More
  • June 1st- Potential Phased Reopening

    Published 15/05/20
    Please read for information on the planned reopening of our school. Read More

    Published 07/05/20
    Keeping our expectations HIGH and our spirits UP! Read More
  • Coping and Wellbeing- looking after yourself and each other

    Published 30/04/20
    Coping & Wellbeing During Covid-19: we remain #TeamTudor Read More
  • Supporting Positive Learning Behaviours at Home

    Published 29/04/20
    Ideas shared by Herts4Learning... Read More
  • Newsletter 14 - April 23rd- NOW ONLINE

    Published 23/04/20
    Our first newsletter of this new (and very different!) term... Read More

    Published 17/04/20
    Working in PARTNERSHIP for #TeamTudor Read More
  • UPDATED Weds 2pm-Tudor Learning- SUMMER TERM

    Published 14/04/20
    Tudor continues to invest in HIGH QUALITY opportunites for children... Read More
  • (UPDATE THURS 2nd April 9am) #TeamTudor and HOME LEARNING

    Published 02/04/20
    Let's all KEEP working together and be a true COMMUNITY... Read More
  • NEWSLETTER 13- Our first 'TUDOR at HOME' edition

    Published 26/03/20
    Important information at this difficult time... Read More
  • School Closure- Friday AM Update

    Published 20/03/20
    Planning for the school closure and update for key/ critical workers Read More