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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 12

  • Independence - Value of the Month

    Published 08/06/21
    As parents, we want nothing but the best for our children which is why we are so inclined in attending to their needs. It is a way we express our love. However, to give children the opportunity to become successful in life, we also have to teach them independence. Read More

    Published 27/05/21
    Do stay informed- SO MUCH FUN is happening in YOUR school... Read More
  • Resilience - our value of the month

    Published 29/04/21
    We tend to idealise childhood as a carefree time, but childhood alone offers no shield against the emotional hurts, challenges, and traumas many children face. Children can be asked to deal with problems ranging from adapting to a new classroom or online schooling to falling out with friends or even... Read More
  • LATEST ONLINE Newsletter- 13th May- SO much going on!

    Published 29/04/21
    Do please stay informed with news and dates for your child's school... Read More
  • First Newsletter of the SUMMER term!

    Published 15/04/21
    Summer term is underway- we have lots in store for your children! Read More
  • Positivity - Our value of the month for April

    Published 12/04/21
    Children who were nominated for showing the value of 'Cooperation and teamwork' during March can now be seen on the values section of the website - a huge well done to those children!  Don't forget, you too can nominate your child for demonstrating our value of the month a... Read More
  • Pupil Voice on returning to Tudor

    Published 28/03/21
    As you know, the views of our children are very important to us here at Tudor and they have had much to contend with over the past view months.   Our school council - the Tudor Owls - were asked a number of questions relating to their thoughts around who and what they missed about school d... Read More
  • Latest Newsletter- March 17th- The children are BACK!

    Published 17/03/21
    Keep up to date about news at YOUR school! Read More
  • Value for March - Cooperation and Teamwork

    Published 09/03/21
    Why Is Teamwork Important? Read More
  • Newsletter- March 8th Return to School for ALL!

    Published 03/03/21
    Information about FULL reopening and UPDATE about accessing test kits for your family Read More
  • Latest Newsletter- Weds 24th February

    Published 24/02/21
    Lots of EXCITING news to share... Read More
  • February 10th Newsletter- NOW ONLINE

    Published 10/02/21
    Important news and updates at this mid-point of the year... Read More