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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

26.04.2019 - Easter welcome back!

We have had such a busy and active few days back at school. It was so lovely to see all the children, rested and ready for the Summer term ahead of us. This week we have been focussing on the Early Learning Goal (ELG) and revising some of our previous knowledge. The children have really impressed us with their abilities and skills that they have continued to develop of the holidays.

In the afternoon, we went on a Spring hunt to find a variety of different signs of spring. We worked in pairs to find a range of items. We discussed different ways we could record our findings and took turns taking pictures of things we had found using the iPads.

Our next topic we will be starting is all about 'Animals'. We began our working wall be thinking of all the animals that we knew and discussed some of the pets we have at home. It was so interesting to hear about all the similarities and differences our home lives have in relation to pets and how we spent the holidays. I am very much looking forward to our term ahead and excited for the new learning we will continue to explore.

If you have any interesting pet facts at home, or would like to bring something in to share, please feel free to speak to your child's class teacher!

14.02.2019 - What is love?

We looked at the meaning of love. The children were all given a love heart to take home and give to their parents. The task was to write things that you love about your child. We were overwhelmed with the amount of love that is in our classes and clearly evident within our homes. We made valentines cards and decorated them, using our phonics and our creative skills to make them look 'just right'. Reception, you truly are a lovely bunch! Have a great half term!

07.02.2019 - Superheroes!

As part of our magic topic we looked into what it means to be a superhero! We looked at a variety of different superhero’s and discussed their clothes that they were and special super powers that they have. We really enjoyed working in the potion lab to create our own superhero potion, drink it and dress up as a super hero!

During our writing, we wrote about what super power we would like and discussed why me like to have this power. It has been great to see how many tricky words children are now using within their writing and the great vocabulary they are using to explain reasoning for their choices.

Within Mathematics the children have enhanced their knowledge of shape. We began looking at 3D shapes and their properties. We discussed faces, vertices and edges. We also began looking at our number knowledge and understanding our number bonds to 10. We learnt a song to support us, ask us to hear our number bond skills!

25.01.2019 - Magic!

This term we are learning all about magic; witches, wizards, faries and super heros. This week we read the story of ‘Room on the Broom’. We looked at creating simple sentences about the different characters from the story and using adjectives to further describe them. We continued using our potions lab to create our own potions and consider what would go into it.

Within Mathematics we looked at addition. We discussed that when we add to an amount the total becomes bigger. We used simple vocabulary such as; plus, adding and total. We counted out objects, added more and recounted to find the total. We even began to consider one more and two more than an amount, improving our number knowledge.

We considered how to mix colours. We reviewed the primary colours and looked at what happened when we mixed them. We looked at the illustrations within the story ‘Room on the Broom’ and chose our own brushes to paint the front cover of the story with the correct colours by only mixing the primary colours.

Klaudia worked very hard in the creation station to  create her very own Witch from 'Room on the Broom'!


After half term we returned to find an egg in our classroom. We were all very interested to see what it was and predict what might be inside. We started to wonder how it got there and why it had come to Tudor Primary?

On Friday 9th the egg hatched and a baby dinosaur appeared. We were all very excited to find the dinosaur and began thinking of some questions to ask the dinosaur. Many of us wanted to know how he got here, what they liked to eat and where they would like to live. As a class we thought of a variety of names and took a vote to decide which name we liked best.We drew pictures of him and were able to label different parts of him. We wrote down our questions that we wanted to ask and sent these off to him.

Within Mathematics we looked at patterns of shapes and colours and did a sock showcase every day to notice the different patterns the class had on their socks! We learnt a new song called ‘Banana, banana, meatball’ which we all joined into and learnt the dance routine.

In the afternoon we looked at Diwali and how people celebrate special events from different cultures. We used clay to create our own Diva lamps and had a visit from a parent where we reflected on the history of Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita.


Next week we will begin looking at what ‘time’ means and how we sequence our day, thinking about our visual timetable, using the vocabulary to describe what we do first, next, then, after that and finally.


We hope that you all had a lovely and restful half term.

This week we have been reflecting and learning all about Bonfire Night. We did some research into what happened and why. We looked at some video’s of fireworks and began discussing if we had previously seen any. With this information we were able to think of the sounds that fireworks make when they explode – Pop, bang, fizz and crash for example.

We have continued reflecting on our phase 2 phonics learnt and are more frequently recognising these within books and writing them in our own sentences.

Within mathematics we continued to look at shapes, recognising their shape names and beginning to describe some of their properties.

Edie built her own houses of Parliament during Play and Learn

Luxmiha wrote her own sentences about the sounds that fireworks make


For our last topic this half term, we have looked at the season autumn. We discussed what we notice happening during autumn, what we see, hear and feel. We looked at patterns and understanding how they are formed/what they look like. We worked on continuous patterns and completing a pattern of coloured leaves in a row.

We have continued to focus on our fine motor skills of cutting, sticking and writing some simple words. The children are making so much progress with their handwriting and it has been great to see the difference half a term can make!

We read the story ‘Leaf Man’ where the wind blows him from season to season. We then used a range of different coloured leaves to create our own leaf man. We discussed how seasons change and the impact it has on the environment. We looked at some fallen leaves to understand that these had gone through a life cycle of growth and decay. We now know it is important not to picking leaves from a tree as these are still alive and growing.


This week we have been reading the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. We read through, looking at the animals and began sounding them out together. We were able to segment h-e-n, d-o-g, c-a-t andd-u-ck. Some of us even tried to use the high frequency word ‘and’ in our writing, creating a simple sentence.

Within Mathematics, we looked at size ordering. There were different sized hens on a page. We had to individually cut them out, stick them onto a piece of paper and recognise which was the biggest as first, down to the smallest as last.

During phonics we have been looking at tricky words and high frequency words:

‘I, go, no, the and, to’.

We looked around our environment to find these within texts and attempted to write some ourselves.

"The Red hen is taking the flour in to the windmill.
The dog is lazy, the duck is noisy."

Isla-Red Class



In Reception, we have been learning all about Space. We first began our topic, looking at the ‘story bots’ rap about the planets in our solar system. This was a great way to learn some new interesting facts about space and have fun singing along!

After this, we started to discuss what we already know about Space. We were so amazed to hear so many great facts about the planets, stars, gravity and astronauts.

During our Space topic we have:

  • Made chalk drawings of planets
  • Created junk model robots and rockets
  • Drawn and annotated Space Posters
  • Counted 1:1 space objects
  • Listened to Space Podcasts
  • Discovered facts in non-fiction books

We have all really enjoyed this topic. If you want to listen to the space rap at home, please follow this link.


This week we have been learning all about ‘The Gruffalo’. We read the story at the beginning of the week, understanding the characters and using some adjectives to describe them within the story.

Within Literacy we have focussed on writing. We began drawing pictures of the characters from the story and wrote short labels for who they were. This demonstrated our knowledge and understanding of initial sounds within words. We used a sound mat to support our learning by guiding us to the grapheme if we struggled to remember how to form the letter.

We went on a walk around the grounds and found various objects to collect for a new Gruffalo home. We used these in a tough tray with stick puppets to re-enact the story ourselves.


In our learning this week we have been questioning ‘What is Maths?’ We began by creating a spider gram of all things we knew to be ‘Maths’. We had some great answers and began to unpick different numbers and shapes. We have been very impressed with the biggest number children can count to and their understanding of mathematical terms, such as, equals, adding and taking away.

We looked around in our environment for different shapes we could see and realised that shape is all around us. Some of us found it on our carpet spaces, on the ceiling tiles, on the sticker charts and on the pictures of us!

We even started looking at subitizing cards this week. We are beginning to understand to recognise the cards 1,2,5 and 10. This will really support our understanding when we move onto one more and one less later on in the year. If you can at home, please practice these cards with your children so they become more aware of what they are and recognising how many are present.

Image result for shapes


This week we have been learning all about how to keep safe. We began our week by reflecting on all the previous knowledge we had about safety and ways in which to keep safe. We all discussed that in an emergency we should tell an adult and call 999.

We took turns to go in small groups on a safety walk around the school. We looked out for fire exit signs, fire extinguishers and talked about how to recognise safe adults around the school. We also practiced in groups how to cross the road. We know we should always, STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, WAIT, LOOK AGAIN AND CROSS if clear.

We practiced a range of fine motor skills this week, holding a pencil to colour and using scissors safely to cut around shapes.

We began our first week of phonics and have learnt the sounds s,a,t,p. We practiced recognising these sounds around our environment, in our names, writing them in the air, on our friend’s backs and on whiteboards. Some of us even managed to write some simple CVC words!


Our first week in Reception and what a great start we have had. We have been so lucky to enjoy our new classroom space, finding out and exploring all the new places to play and resources to use. The children all looked so smart in their uniform on Tuesday and so far have all managed to come back with their own jumpers, so that’s a great start! All the children have settled in so well, meeting the teachers and beginning to understand the new routines of Reception at Tudor school.

We look forward to all that this year has yet to come, making new friends and learning new things.


Welcome back after a lovely long Spring Break. We hope you have all had a great time!

Please find attached some information about our Nursery reading mornings.



Dear Parents,


Every week, on a Thursday (beginning next week) we would like to invite you to stay for 15 minutes from 8.45am-9.00am to share a book with your child. This will be an opportunity for you to read to your child in their school setting in an effort to encourage the children to have a love of books and reading. You could bring books from home, read a book from the classroom or share the book in their book bag.  We understand that you may not always be able to stay, so please be assured that in this event a member of staff will read with your child.



Many thanks for your continued support and we look forward to welcoming you next Thursday.


The Nursery Team.


Next week Nursery would like to make telescopes. Please could we have any kitchen roll tubes that you have finished with? Many thanks.

News just in...

Dates for your diaries: Reception Christmas celebration will be on Wednesday 13th December at 2.15pm.

Nursery Christmas celebration will be on Thursday 14th December at 11.00am.

Details to follow.

Happy Weekend!

Foundation Stage Team.


Hi there,


We've had another busy week in the Foundation Stage. We've been learning about Space using a picture book called Beegu by Alexis Deacon. This topic will contiinue over then next 3 weeks until the end of the half term. If you have any small world Space toys that are surpless to requirement, we would love to make use of them here at Tudor.

Please remember to return your email address slips for the Tapestry Learning Journal access so that we can get it up and running as soon as possible. I'm sure you are going to love seeing everything the children have been doing.

Coming soon to the Nursery Class...

Nursery parents, please come along to these Bookstart sessions on 7th and 14th November. 

Our Nursery class


Welcome back to another school Year! We have been very busy getting to know each other and establishing rules and routines of the setting. We are amazed at how well the children have settled in.

We look to sharing lots of our learning with you here on the Blog and in the new Tapestry learning Journals. Look out for the letter in book bags this week!

Please ensure you have returned the photo permissions slip so that we can make the most of the Blog.

Many thanks.

Team Foundation Stage.




Next week

Books: The bad Tempered Lady Bird,Superworm.


Maths: Adding on a numberline

Literacy: Making a mini-beast information booklet

Topic: Making stone ladybirds


Adult led activities: Making ladybird suncatchers


Mud kitchen fun!


Making Rainbow Fish!

As part of our animals topic we have been studying the story 'Rainbow Fish'


This half term, we have been learning all about animals in foundation stage!

We had a very special visitor come in and she introduced us to some of her friends. We learnt all about how to take care of them and talked about their textures and habitats.



In reception, we have been thinking about the word habitat and what it means.

We learnt all about the different habitats dinosaurs liked to live in and even created our own!

First, we mixed different shades of green paint to create our habitats base.
First, we mixed different shades of green to provide the base of our habitat.


we worked as a team to combine different materials to create trees and bushes!

Once our habitat was completed, we got to play with it.



On Monday monday morning, Nursery and Reception came in to school and found an egg and two dinosaurs in our investigation area!

We used the books in the investigation area to find out more about our dinosaurs and where they could have come from.

We also thought of some describing words to tell people what our class dinoosaurs looked like, and some of us even wrote them down!









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