Tasks for Tuesday :)
Bring on Tuesday!
Maths: Pages 16 – 17 Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
English: Pages 16 – 17 Similes and Metaphors
Reading (Fiction) Read pages 23 – 25 (Theseus and the Minotaur) and complete pages 26 -27 Fact Retrieval Questions
Remember to read each day, complete some spelling shed, maths shed and SPAG.com (new tasks have been uploaded).
Here is the link to Mr Higgins youtube channel, where you can find your daily PE challenges (Please keep sending them to us). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_aqWLu1mJ0v8fVA20jxuQ
Also here are the additional tasks for the week:
Maths Task:
- Follow a recipe and devise a ratio for the relationship between different ingredients.
English Tasks:
· Design an animal for a specific environment and write a story about it.
· Create a fact file about a famous explorer - it can be of anywhere in the world, include correctly punctuated subheadings.
· Write an A-Z list of:
Powerful verbs
Adverbs of manner
· This tiny turtle is giving a speech. What is he saying? Who is he speaking to?
Remember the expectations for ALL writing:
Success Criteria (check your CGP English book if you need reminding about these):
1. Capital letters and full stops
2. Adverbs of manner and time
3. Prepositional phrases
4. A variety of sentence starters (if you start with an adverbial, use a comma after it)
5. Subordinating conjunctions: because, when, while, if, although, however
6. Co-ordinating conjunctions: and but so or
7. Adjectives
8. Apostrophes/ a/ an/ inverted commas as appropriate
9. Relative clauses (who, which, that)
10. Range of punctuation , “ - : ; () …
11. Cohesive devices (Pronouns, synonyms and time connectives)
Topic Tasks:
· Questions from the Animal Kingdom to research (see word doc. attached)
· Study some of the biomes and human features in North America
· Design a house that will be able to keep someone warm – can you discuss what materials you would choose and why? Maybe you could carry out an investigation to decide what materials would be best? Could you draw or make it?
· Create a travel guide to Great Britain. What would a foreign visitor need to know about the UK?
RE Tasks:
Looking at the picture of the last supper. Can you think of questions that the different people around the table and room might ask Jesus? or ask others in the room? See attached sheet The Last Supper
Using Lego or other construction/play figures can you recreate either a scene from the Easter Story and take a photo of it. Or try using imovie (or similar) to create the whole Easter story. I look forward to seeing these. Use the video below as inspiration.
Creative Task
Create and bury a time capsule (with parental permission). What would you put in it and why?
Good luck and remember to check the answers and try and correct any mistakes.
You can always email us with any questions and to share your work.