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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

 A place to find out all the fun and learning happening in Year 5

Page 14

  • Pippi Longstocking

    Published 19/03/17, by Admin

    Clara wins the 5D best costume award!  Well Done Clara

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  • Branching decisions

    Published 17/03/17, by Emma Cosby

    Classifying characters with 5C

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  • 5 Star Forensics!

    Published 17/03/17, by Emma Cosby

    5C learn about Forensic Science

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  • Where is Wally?

    Published 10/03/17, by Emma Cosby

    Tudor Book Day Fun!

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  • Spotty dogs and sprints!

    Published 03/03/17, by Emma Cosby

    Year 5 take active learning to a new level!

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  • February's Maths Winner!

    Published 03/03/17, by Emma Cosby

    Springing forward in calculations!

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  • Celebrating Sucess!

    Published 23/02/17, by Admin

    Lewis is now fully qualified!

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  • The Whole World in Our Hands!

    Published 21/02/17, by Emma Cosby

    5C create their own world maps.

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  • We SAW it all this week!

    Published 03/02/17, by Emma Cosby

    The TPSSA are hard at work....

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  • First Winner of the Year!

    Published 31/01/17, by Emma Cosby

    5C's Morning Maths Winner in January

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  • In a primary school not to far, far away...

    Published 27/01/17, by Emma Cosby

    5C assembly!

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  • Chasing the Sun.

    Published 20/01/17, by Emma Cosby

    5C investigate moving shadows

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