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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

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  • Friday 03.04 Feedback

    Published 03/04/20, by Millie Grundy

    Well done Year 4 for making it to the end of your second week of home schooling. Miss Sentance and Miss Grundy are so proud of you all and have loved seeing the fantastic work you have produced over the week. You have rightfully deserved an Easter break but so keep checking the blog as we will be uploading daily activities you can do. Don't worry there will not be any English or Maths for you to complete. Is that cheers I hear!?

    Do keep save during the Easter break and we look forward to hearing from you and seeing the activities completed that we post :)

    A couple of final shout outs: 

    Well done Reece (4U). Miss Sentance is really impressed with your efforts this week and your creativity. Well done Olivia (4V) for your Highway man verse for the poem. She found this a little tricky but that did not stop her giving up and she attempted it many times and finally produced a great piece of work. Finally, well done Jayden (4V) your mum and Miss Grundy are very impressed and proud that you have read every day for a WHOLE term and recorded this in your reading record!

    Keep up the great work everybody! #TeamYear4

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  • Friday 03.04.20

    Published 03/04/20, by Millie Grundy

    'Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving' - Albert Einstein

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  • Thursday 2nd April - Feedback

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    We hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed seeing each other on Zoom as much as we did. Take a look at the blog for answers, shout outs and feedback.

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  • Thursday 2nd April

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    Good morning Year 4! We're really looking forward to seeing lots of you on Zoom for our story time.

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  • Zoom Story Time!

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    It's Year 4 story time! We've set up a video chat for each class on Zoom for tomorrow - check out the blog for more details.

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  • Wednesday 01.04.20 Feedback

    Published 01/04/20, by Millie Grundy

    Well done Year 4 for another fantastic day of learning.

    We hope you didn't pull too many pranks and jokes on your house hold!

    Shout out to Torrin (4U) for his great research and presentation of Dick Turpin and also Alex (4V) for constatly sending through great work and completing it to his full potential. Keep up the great work guys and keep sending it our way :)

    Please find the answers for today attached and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow :)

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  • Wednesday 01.04.20

    Published 01/04/20, by Millie Grundy

    Happy April Fool's day!

    A and C were going to prank their friend .... but they just letter B!

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  • Tuesday 31st March - Feedback

    Published 31/03/20, by Admin

    Well done everyone for today's hard work. Shout outs today go to Cezary in 4U who created a detailed and eye-catching comic strip and Olivia in 4V who made a fantastic clothing poster en Francais. Tres bien! 

    Also, take a look at this Horrible Histories song all about Dick Turpin that Harrison (4U) found when researching yesterday.

    Guided Reading

    1. What do you notice about the fourth and fifth lines in each stanza? The fifth line repeats or adds more description to the fourth line.
    2. What features tell us that this poem is not set in the present day? Old fashioned vocabulary such as French cocked-hat, breeches, rapier hilt. Mention of King George's men with muskets. 
    3. What is a stable-wicket? p.IV A gate
    4. How does Alfred Noyes describe Tim the Ostler’s face? p.IV White and peaked
    5. What technique is used in the phrase ‘his hair like mouldy hay’? Simile
    6. Do you think Tim is a ‘goodie’ or ‘baddie’? Use evidence from the text to justify your answer. Your opinion - could reference the description of Tom e.g. eyes were hollows of madness.
    7. Find and copy one word that means the same as beautiful on p.V. Bonny
    8. What are the ‘black waves’? p.VI The landlord's daughter's hair.


    Keep an eye on the blog tomorrow as we will be releasing details for a live 'Zoom' Year 4 story time that will take place Thursday. 

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  • Tuesday 31st March

    Published 30/03/20, by Admin
    Good morning Year 4, We’re starting the morning off with some shout outs! Well done Harry B (4U) for your treasure map from Friday, Ana (4U) for your hard work with the emoji Maths challenge, Mia (4V) for your boat that you made out of wood
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  • Monday 30.03.20 Answers

    Published 30/03/20, by Millie Grundy


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  • Monday 30.03.20

    Published 30/03/20, by Millie Grundy

    Q: What type of bird should you never take to the bank?

    A: A Robin

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  • Friday 27th March - Feedback

    Published 27/03/20, by Admin
    What a fantastic first week of home learning. We've so loved seeing all the work you've been getting up to. Take a look at Marta's poem and rainbow for the window and well done Temidere and Temidayo for your creative pirate ships. 
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