Monday 6th April 2020
Good Morning Year 3!
We hope you had a wonderful weekend enjoying the sunshine and are still all safe and well. Over the Easter Holidays, we will be uploading some ideas you could try every day if you're looking for something fun and creative to do. It's not like home learning where you have to do certain things, it's just some suggestions that you might like to try. We will also be doing our zoom stories to our classes at 11am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so keep an eye on your email to get all of the details. These are a really great way to see your friends and enjoy some time together as a class, so we really hope you can join us.
Todays Easter Ideas are:
- Why not create a front cover for your Friends of Tudor Scrapbook? You could cover it with wrapping paper, or plain paper which you could then draw or paint your own design onto. The idea is to really make it personal to you, so you can do whatever you like to show it is YOUR book.
- Make a list of everything you want to do over the Easter Holidays, then you can try one thing each day if you wake up one morning and don't know what to do! Some ideas could be:
- Build a fort out of blankets and pillows
- play a family board game
- invent a new dance routine to your favourite song
- Make an easter egg hunt through your garden
- Bake a cake
- Anything you want to put on your list!
- You could try Mr Higgins PE challenge (it's a really funny one today!) which can be found on the Tudor Sports Twitter feed, or if you search Tudor Sports on Youtube
We would absolutely love to see any pictures of you trying out these suggestions, or doing anything fun and creative over the Easter holidays, so please do email us and keep in touch. And remember, reading is an EXCELLENT escape when you're feeling bored :)
We hope you have a wonderful day,
Miss Manzie and Miss Houston