Today's Home Learning Activities
Good morning Year 3, we hope you’re all staying safe and are ready for your first day of home learning! We have included a suggested home learning timetable to keep the children in a structured routine.
Both Miss Houston and Miss Manzie have their class emails set up and ready if you need any help with anything, or want to show us the fantastic work I’m sure you are going to be doing. For those of you who do not yet have their packs, please contact the school to arrange a collection.
Today’s Activities are:
- Pages 4 + 5 of your Maths book
- Pages 4 + 5 of your English book
- 20 minutes of Spelling Shed
- 20 minutes of Reading
Optional Activities:
- Why not check out “Maths Shed!” It has the same login as Spelling Shed and has lots of fantastic games and challenges, you can even play against a friend.
- Topic Activity – Use this website to find out who “Sir Robert Peel” was. You could present your learning in any way you like! Maybe a poster, or a song, or even a power-point on the computer! We would absolutely love to see your learning so please do email it to us J
- We have also included a “30 Day Lego Challenge”, why not give Day 1 a go? If you don’t have any lego, you could draw your design on paper instead!
Our email addresses are:
We can’t wait to hear from you, have a great day everyone!