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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

Page 9

  • Egyptain Jewellers in 3S

    Published 13/05/19, by Rose Houston

    We have been using clay to create our own Egyptian Jewellery.

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  • Egyptian Pyramids Chocolate Style in 3T

    Published 08/05/19, by Admin

    What happens to chocolate when you heat it up?

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  • Giant Maths in 3T!

    Published 08/05/19, by Admin

    In maths, we made cutlery big enough for a giant!

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  • Solid or Liquid?

    Published 29/04/19, by Rose Houston

    We have begun our new science topic, states of matter.

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  • We want our Mummies!

    Published 25/04/19, by Admin

    This term, we are learning all about the Egyptians in our new topic "Tomb Raiders"

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  • Something's Smoking in 3T!

    Published 25/04/19, by Admin

    As a reward for all of our hard work this term, we went into the nature garden to roast marshmallows on a camp fire!

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  • Stitching Sandals in 3T

    Published 25/04/19, by Admin

    In Design and Technology, we have been creating sandals for a Roman Soldier.

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  • 3T's Roman Adventure

    Published 27/03/19, by Admin

    We had an amazing time exploring Verulamium

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  • Cozying up with a Book

    Published 27/03/19, by Admin

    3T celebrating World Book day in their pyjamas on Friday

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  • Rome-ing around in Verulamium

    Published 27/03/19, by Rose Houston

    Year 3 have been Rome-ing around St Albans park to learn more about Ancient Rome.

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  • Feeling dramatic in 3T ...

    Published 15/03/19, by Admin

    This week in 3T, we have been writing our own Roman play.

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  • May we Present ... 3T!

    Published 15/03/19, by Admin

    This week, 3T had a Computing Day all about presentations and Vlogs

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