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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

Page 8

  • 3 digit in 3S

    Published 04/09/19, by Rose Houston

    We have been looking at 3 digit numbers in 3S.

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  • Sundials and Shadows in 3T

    Published 03/07/19, by Admin

    This week in 3T, we have been making and measuring shadows.

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  • Exciting Experiments in 3T

    Published 26/06/19, by Admin

    This week in Year 3 we had an exciting morning full of science experiments.

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  • 3T are Jumping with Joy for Science!

    Published 12/06/19, by Admin

    In science this week, we wanted to find out which activities make your legs stronger.

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  • Testing Out the New Adventure Centre!

    Published 12/06/19, by Admin

    Year 3 were first to try out the brand new adventure centre last week!

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  • 3T's Water Cycle in a Bag

    Published 12/06/19, by Admin

    In 3T, we wanted to see how the water cycle worked ... but how could we watch it from inside the classroom?

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  • Amazing Amulets in 3T!

    Published 12/06/19, by Admin

    Ever wondered what Egyptian jewellery might have looked like? Well 3T can show you ... 

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  • Egyptain Jewellery

    Published 09/06/19, by Rose Houston
    We used poster paints to paint our jewellery!
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  • Nile in a Bag

    Published 09/06/19, by Rose Houston

    Bringing the Nile to 3S

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    Published 09/06/19, by Rose Houston

    Exploring gases

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  • Dividing in 3S

    Published 09/06/19, by Rose Houston
    We have been looking at dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers by a one digit number. This weeks lessons lead nicely up to learning how to do long division. In preparation for this we have been using the base 10 to divide numbers into equal group.
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  • Computing Day in 3S

    Published 20/05/19, by Rose Houston

    We looked at creating a book on the IPads about daily life in Egypt.

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