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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

Page 4

  • Looking for a way to slow down your childrens snacking?

    Published 29/03/20, by Admin

    Are your children racing through their daily snacks too quickly?

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  • Well done year 3!

    Published 27/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Another day of amazing work!

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  • Perfect Pirates

    Published 27/03/20, by Admin

    Today's challenge was to write the instructions for a "Perfect Pirate"

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  • Answers for day 5

    Published 27/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Well done to everyone today!

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  • Day 5

    Published 27/03/20, by Admin

    Friday 27th March 2020

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  • Awesome Abstract Art!

    Published 26/03/20, by Admin

    Today's Art Challenge was to create a picture in the style of Wassily Kandinsky

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  • Great work from todays learning!

    Published 26/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Celebrating work in 3s

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  • Answers for todays learning!

    Published 26/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Well done year 3 :)

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  • Home learning activities for today!

    Published 26/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Good Morning year 3!

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  • Pirate treasure hiding place descriptions!

    Published 25/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Well done to those who have sent their descriptions in! 

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  • Answers for todays home learning!

    Published 25/03/20, by Rose Houston

    Well done today!

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  • Day 3

    Published 25/03/20, by Admin

    Wednesday 25th March

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