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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

Page 2

  • We are Vloggers!

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    Today was Computing day, and we were Vloggers!

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  • Well done!

    Published 02/04/20, by Rose Houston

    Today was computing day! You were asked to create a presentation about something we have learnt and then video yourself presenting it.

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  • Today's Answers

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    Thursday 2nd April Answers

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  • Story with Miss Manzie

    Published 02/04/20, by Admin

    Story Time at 11am with Miss Manzie

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  • Thursday 2nd April

    Published 01/04/20, by Admin

    Today is ... COMPUTING DAY!

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  • Zoom story with Miss Houston

    Published 01/04/20, by Rose Houston

    Thursday at 12:30pm!

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  • Great work from 3S today

    Published 01/04/20, by Rose Houston

    Some great work today!

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  • Some Superb Suns!

    Published 01/04/20, by Admin

    The task today was to create a sun for your window to support the NHS!

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  • Today's Answers

    Published 01/04/20, by Admin

    Wednesday 1st April

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  • We would like your advice!

    Published 01/04/20, by Rose Houston

    Moving forward with our Zoom stories.

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  • Story with Miss Manzie

    Published 01/04/20, by Admin

    Today, Miss Manzie is going to try a class story over Zoom!

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  • Wednesday 1st April

    Published 01/04/20, by Rose Houston

    1st of April you say....hmm.....

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