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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Welcome to Year 3's Blog.

Page 11

  • Calling 3T, can you hear me?

    Published 23/01/19, by Admin

    How would you get a message all the way across the Colosseum in Roman Times?

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  • Throwing Shapes in 3T

    Published 17/01/19, by Admin

    This week in 3T we've been learning all about 2D polygons!

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  • Shapes

    Published 15/01/19, by Rose Houston
    3S have started looking at shapes today. We have learnt that a polygon is a 2-D shape that has 3 or more vertices and angles. We have been exploring regular and irregular polygons, we have been sorting them into different groups, such as length
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  • Beginning our Art project

    Published 11/01/19, by Rose Houston
    We have started our new art project in 3S, we are looking at creating our own interpretation of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. This week was designing our ideas to go on our final piece. Watch this space to find out more! 
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  • Angles

    Published 07/01/19, by Rose Houston
    3S have started looking at angles this week. They have been using Wassily Kandingsky's  ‘Composition VIII to find right angles, they also were looking for angles that are greater than or less than a right angle. They have bee
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    Published 17/12/18, by Admin

    Today in 3T, we celebrated the end of World War 2 in Europe!

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  • Year 3 - Crime-Busters

    Published 09/01/18, by Louise Scott

    Our 'Crime-Busters' topic started last week and we've already had to put our detective skills to the test to solve crimes in our classrooms.

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  • Dell Farm Trip

    Published 12/12/17, by Louise Scott

    We went to Dell Farm in Whipsnade as part of our 'Buried Treasure' topic.  We found out a lot more about the Anglo-Saxons and had a cold but fun-filled and informative day alongside Year 4.

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  • Archaeology Afternoon

    Published 10/10/17, by Louise Scott

    Year 3 and 4 Archaeology Afternoon

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  • Skeletons

    Published 10/10/17, by Louise Scott

    Skeleton Science

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  • Playscripts

    Published 28/06/17, by Andy Munro

    Bombs and Blackberries

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  • Blitz Art

    Published 28/06/17, by Andy Munro

    3M created some Silhouette Art inspired by The Blitz

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