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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Highlights from 2R this week and the answers to today's CGP and reading tasks.

Hello 2R,

It's the end of our second week of home learning and you have all been doing so brilliantly.  It has been fantastic to hear from you and to see what you've been doing at home.  I'm really impressed by the amount of effort that you've all been putting in.   Thank you to all of your grown-ups too for making this possible and for helping you with your tasks.

 This week Miss Cosby and I have been busy thinking about our new theme for after Easter as well as this we have been thinking about how we can help you at home. After Easter we are going to be using Seesaw (which we have used a little in class) to share work with you and have you show us your work.  It's all a bit new, but I know we can learn together. Watch out for messages from school about how and when you will be asked to come to school to pick up new learning packs, which will have all your Seesaw log in details too

Anyway, back to your work.  This week we've had wonderful writing, marvellous maths and beautiful baking.  Well just look at what else has been going on!

The rainbow at the top of the page is an experiment set up by Kayla.  She coloured the ends of the kitchen roll and dipped the ends in the pots of water.  Maybe you could have a go too and see what happens next.


Matilda and Daniel have both been busy making these fantastic covers for our 'Field to Fork' theme.  What a great way to end the topic!

Florence thought carefully about what she would need to take with her so that she could survive in a desert.  I'm glad to see that she's got lots of water!

Joanna has been busy measuring lots of things around her home and has carefully recorded all of her measurements.

Ethan's whole family got involved in making these colourful play-doh models.

     Aidan made his own Top Trumps card about meerkats.


Jennifer and Oliver have both been busy creating awesome artwork.  

   Harry is another one of this week's star bakers.  These cookies look delicious. 


EASTER BREAK- but not a break.  We will not be setting you daily tasks over the next 2 weeks, but we will give you a weekly challenge list for you to choose from.  Please keep sending me pictures of what you are getting up to!  We will keep updating the blog with your work...and seeing all your awesome learning is definitely a highlight of all our days.


Check the blog, choose some activities and show us what you get up to.

In the meantime, take care, stay safe and have a weekend as amazing as you all are.

Best wishes,

Miss Scott :)

Contact me at:

As always, you can find the answers to today's CGP pages and reading challenge at the bottom of this page.