What have 2Q been up to this week?
As you can see from the photo, the potatoes are still growing nicely and have a new home in the front entrance of the school. Mrs Cohen and Mrs Shipton have kindly said they will keep an eye on them for us over the Easter break and when the 2Q teachers are not in school (phew!). The herbs are also growing nicely as well- maybe we could use our herbs when we cook the potatoes?
This week Miss Scott and I have been busy thinking about our new theme for after Easter as well as this we have been thinking about how we can help you at home. After Easter we are going to using Seesaw (which we have used a little in class) to share work with you and have you show us your work. It's all a bit new, but I know we can learn together. Watch out for messages from school about how and when you will be asked to come to school to pick up new learning packs, which will have all your Seesaw log in details too.
Maisy has been busy (very busy), planting chilli seeds and recording observations about what she can see change as they grow. Remember observation is a very important scientific skill.
Edie has been staying active and making sure her pet hamster Rosie is exercising too. She has designed and made a hamster playground! Complete with ball pool!
Lots of you have been completing the extra challenges based on the reading we set you. Here is some great work from Hannah and Olivia.
If you are looking for a bargin and the 'essentials', Daisy can find a great deal for you at Robinson Stores. Every customer enjoyed their shopping experience today!
Speaking of maths at home, Briar Rose has put her creative skills together with her math problem writing skills and produced some great cupcake related learning.
Lots of you have been creative and helpful. Amie has made a robot (called Robbie) and written him an adventure. Mason made a volcanic explosion! Yoikes! While Jamie measured and put up a fence- great work.
Merielle has started researching Victorian shops and how the way we buy food has changed.
Aiden has been working hard and sending me his learning every day...even when those around him try and distract him...
AND finally, Cassia has started to write a very interesting story (find it attached below). In fact I have loved reading all the stories you are starting to write...KEEP IT UP!
EASTER BREAK- but not a break. We will not be setting you daily tasks over the next 2 weeks, but we will give you a weekly challenge list for you to choose from. Please keep sending me pictures of what you are getting up to! We will keep updating the blog with your work...and seeing all your awesome learning is definitely a highlight of all our days.
Check the blog, choose some activities and show us what you get up to.
Keep being active, keep being safe and keeping being you! (aka awesome),
Miss you,
Miss Cosby xxx