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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Year 2 Home Learning Tasks

Happy Monday again,

We hope that you all had a great weekend.  We loved hearing from you last week and seeing all of that hard work that you’ve been doing.  So now it’s week 2 of our home learning challenges and this week will work in the same way as last week.

Every day we would like you to complete the pages we set from your CGP Practise and Learn books again and then you can once more choose a Maths, English and theme piece to do to.  You can choose again from the list we sent home OR can come up with your own amazing ideas like lots of you did last week.

PLEASE continue to email us anything you have been up to and any work you would like us to see or would like help with.  We’ll share some of this every day so do keep checking the blog too so that you can see what everyone else has been up to.  Keep up with those fitness activities too.  We’ll be sharing any photos of these with Mr Higgins who will also be continuing to set you some fun sporty challenges this week.

CGP pages for today:

Maths pages 14 and 15 – Using Times Tables

For a bit of extra fun you could play ‘Hit the Button’ focusing on times tables or division.

English pages 14 and 15 – Homophones

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and often different spellings.

For a bit of extra help go to:

Also remember to go on to Maths Shed and Spelling Shed every day.  We’ll be logging in regularly to see how you’re getting on.

We will post the answers later on Monday evening.

Reading Challenge:

This week we're also setting you a reading comprehension challenge.  Choose the one, two or three star challenge from the attachments at the bottom of this page.  Once you've done this, read the text carefully and answer the questions just like in Guided Reading.  We'll post the answers on Monday evening along with the answers to your CGP work.  Look out for other text-based tasks in the coming days.

Extra challenge:

We had fun with Key Stage 2 last week making paper gliders.  The attachment at the bottom of the page gives you instructions for how to make your own glider.

Can you make a paper glider to transport food around the world?  You could even decorate it once you’ve made it.  Send us your photos showing how you got on.  How far can you make it fly? (Ask an adult before testing it inside the house though – we don’t want anything to get broken!!)

We can’t wait to hear from you all again.

Miss Scott and Miss Cosby