Some of the highlights from Monday's learning on Seesaw.
We started back after the weekend with a whole new set of tasks and activities to do on Seesaw. It was lovely to see so many people working hard and uploading their work again to show us what they had been doing. It was also fantastic to see some more people logging on to Seesaw for the first time.
Here are some of the highlights from our first day of home learning this week.
In PSHE this week, we're finding out all about how to stay safe when we're near to or crossing roads. The challenge is to create a road safety poster to help people to cross the road safely. Whilst it's only the start of the week, we've already seen lots of eye-catching posters. Aidan's carefully made poster is at the top of this page. Here are some of the other posters that have been uploaded so far.
These colourful posters were made by Christa, Aiden, Max and Marni. Here they all are hard at work.
Harris created his poster on the computer and included lots of information.
In Phonics yesterday, we looked at the homophone pair son/sun and had to use them correctly in sentences. There was lots of great work and some very neat handwriting too. Here are two great examples by Abbey and Nathan.
This week there is also a P.E. challenge. It involves practising catching by bouncing a ball against a wall. This is Ollie doing the challenge. He looks like he's really focusing on the ball which is just what you need to do. Try the challenge yourself and see how you get on. How many times can you catch the ball without dropping it?
Good luck with Tuesday's learning Year 2 and we're looking forward to seeing what gets uploaded to Seesaw next.
Best wishes,
Miss Scott, Miss Cosby, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Higgins and Mr Denny