A Blooming Good Start to Year 5!
Published 05/09/24, by Ella McKenzie
Our first week as upper-key-stage-two-ers!
Our first week as upper-key-stage-two-ers!
Year 5 finishing the year in style
Today was dress up through the decades day!
The costumes were absolutely fantastic and made all of the adults feel very nostalgic for the different decades. We had hippies, mean girls, pink ladies, 80s rockstars and 90s rappers galore! Have a look at each of the decades photos to take you on a journey back in time...
A group of Year 5 scientists head to share our learning this term.
Year 5 enjoy a day of watery learning with the help of the Boxmoor Trust!
Year 5 code their own micro pets- 1990s style!
Year 5 report on Hemel's recent history!
Taking on Earthquakes!