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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 3

  • 'Ello, 'ello, 'ello

    Published 25/03/22, by Millie Grundy

    What a fun week with various visitors!

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  • Thumbs Up!

    Published 10/03/22, by Millie Grundy

    Joke: What do you call a flawless robbery with no fingerprints left behind?


    Answer: Stainless Steal

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  • We are HTML editors

    Published 25/02/22, by Millie Grundy
    Just before half-term, Year 4 completed their first computing day for the Spring term. They were being HTML editors. They had a go at 'hacking' and changing a websites code, we looked into the coding behind the creation of our Tudor Prim
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  • Insulator or conductor?

    Published 08/02/22, by Millie Grundy

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Mental Wellbeing

    Published 19/01/22, by Millie Grundy

    Mental wellbeing workshop

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  • Investigation underway!

    Published 13/01/22, by Millie Grundy

    Year 4 investigated a crime scene in their own classroom!

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  • Digesting so much fun!

    Published 14/10/21, by Millie Grundy

    Learning all about the digestive system!

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  • What does a dentist do on a roller-coaster?

    Published 07/10/21, by Millie Grundy


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  • Cello there!

    Published 07/10/21, by Millie Grundy

    We have been learning about all the different musical families

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  • Story writing

    Published 21/09/21, by Millie Grundy

    Re-creation of Stig in the Dump

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  • Egyptian Day!

    Published 05/07/21, by Admin

    Friday 2nd July was our Egyptian day and we had LOADS of fun! 

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  • Ancient Egypt Archaeology Dig!

    Published 10/06/21, by Millie Grundy

    Archaeology dig!

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