This week in Year 3... shadow searching, measuring length and even plotting Anderson Shelters!!!
This week has been a super busy week in Year 3. Mr Crowder has had a fantastic week in 3S, although we really missed Miss Cosby!
This week, we have been conducting further experiments in Science, ensuring we were accurately measuring results and making sure we had completed a fair test. The variable we changed was the distance the torch was from our object! This created different sized and shaped shadows, which allowed us to explain what we saw and measure the shadow created.
In maths this week, we had two very practical lessons exploring length and mass. We used greater than and less than symbols to discuss which objects were shorter/longer and heavier/lighter than each other. The Year 3 team were having so much fun, we forgot to take photographs of our learning.
Instead, please see a picture of a finished piece of work to show you what we mean!
In Geography, we created some excellent projects answering the question 'If we were in 1940 during the Blitz and had to build an Anderson Shelter at Tudor School, where should we build it?' For this, we had to carefully consider the physical and human geography around the school. If we were too close to the buildings, we could be in danger... but too far from the classes, we are in danger when we have to gather there! We uploaded videos to Seesaw to explain confidently where we had chosen and why... Year 3 you have had a super week! Well done!!