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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Page 2

  • Making Shapes

    Published 26/01/24, by Ella McKenzie

    Learning about shape and proportion when drawing faces in art.

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  • Finding shapes in faces

    Published 23/01/24, by Gabby Gamble
    In art we are looking at proportion and shapes of faces. We used the 2D shapes to create our own abstract portraits and then drew these into our books. We think they look just like us!
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  • Division using resources

    Published 17/01/24, by Ella McKenzie

    Learning to divide numbers using multilink, arrays and number beads.

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  • Amazing artwork

    Published 12/01/24, by Gabby Gamble

    Looking at Frida Kahlo's art.

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  • Cracking the Case

    Published 11/01/24, by Ella McKenzie

    A crime has been committed in 3S!

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  • Angle Fun!

    Published 09/11/23, by Ella McKenzie

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Right Angles in the Classroom!

    Published 06/11/23, by Ella McKenzie

    Making maths practical and fun!

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  • Blooket fun in maths!

    Published 17/10/23, by Ella McKenzie

    Putting what we have learnt this week to the test!

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  • Printing our final pieces

    Published 10/10/23, by Ella McKenzie

    Putting the skills we have learnt this term together to create our final prints.

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  • Computing day fun!

    Published 25/09/23, by Geraldine Sentance
    Today in 3T we became computer programmers! We created our own story boards and then bought these to life using scratch on the iPads. We also had fun trying out the different features of scratch by making a penguin disco animation! 
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  • We are animators

    Published 25/09/23, by Ella McKenzie

    Using simple coding to create animations on Scratch Junior!

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