Snapshot of September
We LOVE exploring outside in the garden. We have had so much fun playing in the mud kitchen and creating our recipies. We used scissors to take our own clippings. We used the clippings to make our own cakes. We really didn't like the curry plant!
It was time for our sunflowers to come down. They are so big and the flowers are very heavy, they had started to tip over. So we took action quickly, we tried to chop down the sunflowers using our gardening tools, but the stems were too thick so we had to use our hands and worked together to pull them out. Once we had pulled the sunflowers out, we explored all the different parts. We couldn't believe how many seeds were inside the flower. We tried to count them but there were too many. We added them to our mud kitchen.
We were so surprised to see how big the sunflowers had grown. We measured ourselves against the sunflowers and they were taller than all of us. One was even taller than Miss Adams! We looked at the leaves and used cubes to measure them. Miss Adams wrote the numbers on the leaves and we ordered them by their size.
Our favourite story this month has been the Gruffalo. We loved going on adventures trying to find animal tracks. The small world area was a big hit. Our teachers were so impressed with our playing, we used our imagination to make our own Gruffalo trails, we even added our own woodland creatures. We took it turns to retell the story whilst our friends acted it out.