I'm a Hungry Caterpillar
This week we have been focusing on CATERPILLARS!
Welcome to our Reception Blog
A glance of September 2024
Want to know what the first two weeks of Reception looks like at Tudor? Have a look at what Red and Yellow class achieved at the start of their Tudor journey.
We start our phonics lessons and we learn the sounds s, a, t and p.
Each day we complete an activity sheet all on our own. On Fridays we get our very own reading books which we take home for the week.
But most importantly, we have so much fun exploring the areas in our classroom and, most importantly, making new friends!
This week we have been focusing on CATERPILLARS!
Welcome back to Summer Term!
We have kick-started our Minibeast theme with 'worm' week!
Superworm in SUPER long,
Superworm in SUPER strong!
Watch him wiggle, see him squirm...
HIP HIP HOORAY, for Superworm!
Hello Reception Family!
Fun Fairytales in the Foundation Stage!