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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

February 2022

  • Police Poems

    Published 28/02/22, by Admin

    As part our English, we looked at descriptive language linked to the police. We created some adjectives, verbs and similes to describe what they look like and their role in the community. Once we had a bank of language, we then wrote them into sentences in a shape poem! 





    Once we had written them, we then performed them using SeeSaw - log on to your child's SeeSaw to see their performance!  

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  • Proud Portraits

    Published 11/02/22, by Admin

    As part of our Art learning this half term, we have been focusing on the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We have been practising his techniques throughout our lessons leading up to a final piece linked to our suspects for our crime scene in the classroom!  

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