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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

February 2021

  • Celebrating some more great work!

    Published 26/02/21, by Rose Houston

    Well done for for some more great work year 3! Special mention to Christa, Maruna, Hannah

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  • Friday's fantastic work round up!

    Published 11/02/21, by Admin

    It's our final fantastic Friday blog before the half term, and as ever, there's so much super work to share that Miss Houston and I couldn't resist choosing four pieces each. Shout outs this week go to Daniel, Joanna, Kye and Aidan from 3S and Bella, Christa, Abdul and Mason from 3T. 

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  • Great work for this week!

    Published 05/02/21, by Rose Houston

    Another great week of online learning, well done! Special mention to Olivia, Miguel, and Isabella from 3T and Jen, Matilda, Harry and Marni from 3S.

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  • Queen Boudicca and the cut-throat Celts

    Published 02/02/21, by Admin

    This week for History, Year 3 retold the story of the Iceni tribe and their boss - BOUDICCA! Take a look at this amazing playmobil retelling from Phoebe in 3T. 

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