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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

November 2022

  • Remembrance

    Published 25/11/22, by Admin

    As part of our learning in Geography, we planned a route down to the Boxmoor memorial. We then followed the route all the way down and explored the memorial itself. There were lots of Poppy wreaths left from Remembrance Sunday, which we looked at in detail and read the notes to go with them. We all then looked at the hundreds of names on the memorial itself. After we had looked in detail, we stood in silence and listened to Flanders Fields while thinking about all the soldiers, who have lost their life during any war. 



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  • (VERY) persuasive writing in Year 3

    Published 19/11/22, by Admin

    Over the last two weeks, we have been working on persuasive writing in English. The children have absolutely loved this text type! They have worked passionately and enthusiastically exploring a range of examples and then writing their own versions.

    The children's first try at their own was a speech with the aim to persuade Mr Weightman to buy a new slide for Tudor Towers. If I were Mr Weightman, I'd watch out! Some of these were very persuasive.... one even included threatening Mr Weightman with imprisonment if he dared to make the children of Tudor unhappy. 

    We then began working on our final version - a speech persuading the British men to join the army during WWII. We used Winston Churchill's version as our inspiration and made it even better. Take a look below at the children's speeches that they have presented on Adobe Spark Video. Click the child's name to view or scan the QR code :)

    Ben - 3T

    Shea - 3T

    Lyla - 3S


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  • Pop Up DT

    Published 14/11/22, by Admin

    On Friday, we started our new Design and Technology topic, all linked to mechanisms. We explored some different mechanisms within Pop Up books, such as levers, pulleys, springs and rotaries. 




    As we were looking at the Pop-Up books, we wrote down the parts that were moving and explained which mechanism was being used. We then wrote down our favourite parts, so that we can use them as ideas for when we make our very own 'Is right to fight' inspired Pop-Up page. 





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  • Can you crack our cryptogram codes?

    Published 04/11/22, by Admin
    Cryptography was incredibly important during WWII because of the British wanting to communicate without the risk of interception by the Germans. They would talk over the radio using a code, that could then be deciphered with a cryptograph. 
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