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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

PSHE at Tudor 

At Tudor School, we are committed to supporting our pupils in becoming happy, successful and confident individuals. We see PSHE as being at the centre of the teaching and leaning of our children, as there is a proven link between pupil's health and wellbeing and their academic progress. Crucial skills and positive attitudes developed through PSHE are critical to ensuring that children are effective learns.  At Tudor, we use SCARF from Coram Life Education, which is the leading provider of relationships, health, well-being and drugs education. We use a whole-school approach from nursery to year 6, so that children can build on key skills year to year. The children's well-being is at the heart of our lessons and we incorporate the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing' (Connect, Be active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give) into every lesson as their well-being is fundamental to their health and overall happiness. 



                                             5 ways to well-being resources


The Summer term topics are:   

Being My Best 

Growing and Changing 

The learning for these topics include:

- Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mind 

- Exploring the importance of respecting others around us and their differences 

- Understanding how we grow up and changes that happen 

- Understanding as we grow up we become more responsible for ourselves and our actions 

-Exploring basic first aid 


Your child will also receive a PSHE letter, at the start of the term, which outlines in more detail the specific learning within their year group, so you have the opportunity to discuss with them the important topics they are learning about.  Please find the letters for this term attached at the bottom of the page. 


 RSE at Tudor 

From September 2020, the Department for Education has made Relationships and Health Education compulsory for all primary aged children. Relationships, Health and Sex Education is about the emotional, social and cultural development of pupils, and involves learning about relationships, staying safe, respect, healthy lifestyles, diversity and personal identity. At Tudor our RSE teaching is incorporated into our PSHE lessons. 

Whilst encouraging feedback and input from the parent community, we wrote the first draft of Tudor School's 'Relationship and Sex Education' policy in 2020 and it has also been further updated. This policy includes the outcomes for the ‘Relationships Education’ curriculum for all children in Reception Class to Year 6.  It was important that this policy was written in consultation with parents and carers of pupils' at Tudor School as well as alongside advisory input from Herts county. The policy can be found below

If you have any comments or questions about policy and/or curriculum content please contact Mrs Wood  or Mr Weightman via email at:

Mrs Wood - PSHE lead