Y6 Curriculum
The two Year 6 classes are currently taught by Mr Munro and Miss Cohen and they are supported by Mrs Butler and Mrs Edwards. Additionally, Mrs Smith teaches in 6Y each week and Mrs Butler teaches in 6Z on a Friday afternoon.
This section of the website will provide you with information about what is happening in Year Six. From time to time, we will add relevant photos, updated curriculum information and news. Most of this will be added to our blog so keep an eye out for these!
Year 6 is a year filled with many excellent opportunities and experiences for the children, however it does come with some extra responsibilities. Our topics this year are ‘A Whole New World' (Autumn), ‘Spaceship Earth’ (Spring) and ‘It’s All Greek to Me’ (Summer).
Children will be set homework weekly. The homework in CGP books (reading, maths and grammar) will be set on a Tuesday due in the following Tuesday. Spelling homework will set on a Monday and will be due in the following Monday. SPaG.com and Spelling Shed homework will also be set each week to be completed online. In addition, children are expected to read daily and have their reading records signed. These will be checked each morning.
Both classes enjoy a weekly sports session with Mr Higgins (normally on a Tuesday), as well as another PE session on Monday. Please ensure pupils have the correct kit in school for these sessions.
Have a look at our current topic web or below to give you further details on the areas of study. Please bear in mind that this is a working document and the plans will be adjusted to suit the children in the class and their interests.
If you have any questions or would like any more information, please use the red books to contact your class teacher.
Autumn Term
Our topic this term is ‘A Whole New World’. During this topic, we will be exploring what life was like over a thousand years ago for the Maya Civilisation. Focusing on how the geography of Central America impacted upon the daily life and routines of the people as well as the historical significance to us now.
In English, we will be using a range of text types linked to our topic including both fiction and non-fiction. We will be creating a narrative text about an animal attack and even poety linked to chocolate.
In Maths, we will be focusing on arithmetic and formal methods of calculating all operations, as well as spending some time looking at place value and securing the year 5 curriculum.
Our Science focus this term will be focusing on animals and plants – more specifically: how they are classified and adapted to their environments.
In History, we will be looking at the new world and focusing on exploring aspects of the Maya civilisation. Whilst in Geography, we will look at how the landscape impacted upon these people and look to develop our mapping skills.
In Art we will be focusing on using clay to create ‘Maya Death Masks’ and in D&T will be focusing on the cooking aspects of the civilisation by making tortillas.
In Computing we will continue to follow the Rising Stars curriculum which includes solving maths puzzles and being travel writers.
See the summary below for more details and check our blog regularly to find out about our latest learning adventures!
Information about JCA available below (including the first letter for our 2020 trip) .
We are currently awaiting information about the JCA trip this year due to the current situation. Please find below information that has been useful in previous years.