By now, you will have received your home learning packs for the summer term. Additionally, you should have also received an email with information and a log in for Google Classroom. If you have not got these, please contact your class teacher ASAP.
From the start of the summer term we will be using Google Classroom to set work, as well as using it for pupils to send completed work back to us or us ask questions. To help find your way around Google Classroom, we have put some tutorials together – just click on:
Commenting and navigating Google Classroom
Uploading work and showing you have completed work
We will aim to set daily English and Maths activities (these may include the CGP books or ideas based on the learning from them), plus a weekly task for the other subjects we cover at school.
The work that is set can be completed in whichever way is easiest for you, whether that is online, in a book or printed off. However, we do expect any work to completed to the same standard of presentation and effort as it would at school.
Do remember that normal school practice in regards to conduct also applies as we work within our virtual classroom (please read the notice at the bottom of this page).
Be Kind, Be Responsible, Be Respectful.
As well as the set work, we would also like children to carry on with their usual ‘out of school learning’ (such as daily reading, Lexia, Spelling Shed and and for them also to keep active each day.
If you are looking for inspiration when staying active, do check out:
- Mr Higgins’ Daily Challenges (posted to YouTube and twitter every day)
- Joe Wicks Workouts at 9am
- Max Whitlocks workouts
- Walk/bike rides
- Home workouts
- Oti Mabuse’s free dance classes
- Challenges from our external providers - PSA Pro and Sport4Kidz
If you have any questions, please ask- we are all learning together. We can be contacted on:
Miss Sentance:
Miss Grundy:
We have also attached a document called year 4 HELP information (see below) that gives you some amazing activities as well as 'top tips' for working.
About us ...
We have two Year 4 classes at Tudor School. 4V’s class teacher is Miss Grundy and she is assisted by Mrs Gordon. 4U’s class teacher is Miss Sentance and she is assisted by Mrs Stokes. There will be additional help from Mr Wendleken and Mr Winfield. Ms Smith is our phase leader.
Both classes enjoy a weekly sports session with Mr Higgins on Monday afternoons, as well as swimming on a Tuesday morning. Please ensure pupils have the correct kit in school for these sessions.
Have a look at our current topic web to give you further detail on the areas of study. Please bear in mind that this is a working document and the plans will be adjusted to suit the children in the class and their interests as well as adapting and incorporating interesting activities and events as they come up, if they are useful for our learning.
Summer Term
Our topic this term is ‘What a Wonderful World’. During this topic, we will be exploring different aspects of our wonderful world with a specific focus on Rainforests.
In English, we will be using a range of text types linked to our topic including both fiction and non-fiction. We will be starting off by reading a variety of poems about nature and writing our own using the same features. We will also be exploring a lot of non-fiction texts and genres of writing that are linked to our Geography and Science learning. After half-term, we will explore two high-quality books - ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and Michael Morpurgo’s ’Running Wild’. The children will have the chance to write some imaginative descriptions related to the story.
In Maths, we will be reviewing areas that we have previously learnt such as multiplication and division and fractions. They children will also be learning about statistics, time and geometry including angles and properties of triangles.
Our Science focus this term will be linked to ‘What a Wonderful World’ and will include learning about the lifecycle of plants, the functions of different parts of a plant and what plants need to grow well. In addition, we will classify and group different animals and explore how a changing habitat, such as the rainforest, can impact an animal. Alongside this, we will also be developing our scientific enquiry skills through practical enquiries such as investigating the way in which water is transported through a plant.
This term we will focus more on Geography. We will be looking at different rainforests around the world and comparing where they are located, how they are layered, the climates and the animals that live within. We will also look at the human geography of the rainforest including fair trade, the Kayapo tribe and issues around deforestation.
In Art and D&T, we will be focusing on our drawing skills and collage skills creating different art pieces that link to the topic. We will also be looking at some famous artists with links to our topic including Henri Rousseau and some aboriginal artists.
In Computing, we will continue to follow the Rising Stars curriculum as closely as possible.
See the summary below for more details and check our blog regularly to find out about our latest learning adventures!