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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Redwood Drive, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP3 9ER

Telephone: 01442 256294


 InCo (Katie Reading)

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Communicating with You 

Partnership is key...

Our partnership with parents is very important. We never lose sight of the fact that you were your child’s first teacher; they had already learnt many fundamental skills and concepts with you before we even met them. Together we can enable all our children to achieve their personal best.

Teachers are always happy to discuss any issues with you, before or after school, as is the headteacher. If you need to have a fuller discussion then you can always arrange an appointment. Parent consultation meetings are arranged in each term (3 over the year). Please see the relevant sections of this website for more information.

Going that extra mile...

If your family requires any support from the school then we will always do all that we can to help. A key contact is Miss Reading who is our INCo (Inclusion Coordinator).  She is able to meet parents and offer support with any concerns you may have about your family’s wellbeing and she can also signpost you to other professionals that might be able to offer something extra.

You can contact Miss Reading using the school phone number and/ or the following email address:

Keeping informed...

Parents receive a fortnightly newsletter, usually on a Friday, to keep you informed about forthcoming events, dates, celebrations and other news. If you have more than one child at Tudor, we give it to the oldest sibling. If you would prefer to receive your newsletter by email, please make sure we have your email address. This website should also be one of your key ways of staying informed. We are very proud of the website as we belive it contains a wealth of information about what makes our school so special...