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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Intent and Implementation

We believe that writing is a crucial part of our curriculum. By the end of Year 6 we aspire that children have developed an ability to express their thoughts and ideas creatively and purposefully through the written word.

We intend to develop authors who can respond to their audience and adjust their pieces to meet the purpose of them.  As part of this, we aim for pupils to have the ability to use a wide range of grammar and punctuation for impact in their pieces.

At Tudor Primary School we know the importance of having a purpose for writing. Texts are not just written, but written for a reason.  To support this we have developed the use of a range of text structures and approaches within our thematic curriculum to develop children’s approaches to writing.

At Tudor, we follow a thematic curriculum, meaning that we try to link as much of the learning to an over-riding theme.  This allows skills to be used in a range of subjects, which is especially important when looking at writing.

The school is arranged in phases and each phase works on a two-year cycle, meaning that every pupil has the opportunity to engage with six different themes with in the phase. Even though they are working within the context of the same theme as the year group either above or below them, pupils will be given learning opportunities appropriate to their school year level.  This ensure there is progress in the key skills for each subject.

For our full Tudor document on the teaching of writing, download using the link below: