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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Learning support activities 

To support you and your children with other resources that you may find useful, please have a look at some of the sites we use in school - all are absolutely free!  This is in addition to the wealth of resources that can be accessed from Oak Academy ( and BBC Bitesize (


Curriculum Visions- ebooks

This website can support learning in different topic areas. There are ebooks as well as video links about a range of subjects- across the curriculum. You can be signposted to help you find the right level of book.

Log in: TudorStaff/0001

Password: jungle


Reading Books

Access to some free to use book-banded reading books:



This is used in school and children can get free access at home. Play along with the children and practise those sounds!


Use this link to make sure you are articulating correctly:


Mr Higgins' PE sessions

Two videos are posted to the @TudorSport Twitter every day that provide a physical/fitness activity for children -

Mr Higgins' own videos are available for children to view on our Tudor Sport Youtube channel -

The #ThisIsPE challenges are available to view following this link -


BBC BITESIZE- learning from the BBC

BBC Bitesize covers a range of subjects. You can access video clips and activities.

For younger learners:


Twinkl - Learning across the curriculum

This is a widely used resource in education. There are lots of things to help engage children. There is a free membership offer available- see below

Maths Shed and Spelling Shed- learning in the core curriculum

Children from year 1 to year 6 are able to access this paid service (for the web version). It contains spelling games and maths games that support and extend number skills. This website is already known to you children as part of spelling support- maths is now available!

Your child's password can access both spelling and maths.

LEXIA- for children who receive this intervention support

For children who have a LEXIA login and receive this support at school, you can still continue with this at home!

Grammar and Punctuation Support- KS2  KS2 children have their own logins from school

LetterJoin - handwriting support

This is a handwriting tool. This can be used on tablets and you can also download worksheets. There are key word lists and there are also some hiher level grammar activities.

Log in details are on the attachment below. There is even a parent manual available to download.

Don't forget to focus on your wellbeing!

Gratitude Treasure Hunt:

Something that makes you feel happy

One thing you love to smell

Something you like to look at

One thing that tastes good

Something that is your favourite colour

Something that makes you smile in nature

One thing that is very useful for you

One song that makes you happy

Something to give to someone else to make them smile

Resilience Bingo

Find one item that makes you feel calm and happy

Think of a time you felt really happy

Take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly

Give yourself a hug

Get a drink of water and look after your body

Find a place at home that makes you feel calm and happy and sit there for a minute

Tell someone you love how important they are to you

STOP! Take a minute to think about what is happening

The Five Senses Exercise

Something you can SEE

Something you can HEAR

Something you can TASTE

Something you can FEEL

Something you can SMELL

Some useful links:


Other ideas?

The attached link has a list of additional free resources that are currently available.