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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School


(Scroll down to find out about our NEW theme this term)

Over the next year we will making the most of our time at school, and you can see some of our learning highlights on our blog.  We also put a lot of our learning onto Seesaw, which means our families at home can see what we have been getting up to in school.

There are two Year 3 classes at Tudor:

3S- is taught by Miss Cosby Mrs Higgins and Mrs Hussain. Also Mr Poole and Miss Grant are supporting with 3S.

Every week, 3S is taught by Mrs Hall for a day.

3T- is taught by Miss WilliamsMrs Hall and Ms Hughes. Also Ms Hysi and Mrs Ross.

Every week, 3T is taught by Mrs Smith for one morning.


3S-Wednesday and Thursday             

3T- Wednesday and FRIDAY (a change for the Spring term)


In Year 3, we expect children to read every night (we aim for at least 3 times a week to be recorded in the reading record). Aim for about 10-15 minutes.

We will check reading records on Mondays  and children can leave their book and reading record in the changing tray when they need a new one. If you think they are ready to move up a level, please pop a note in their red books and we will check as well.

We also will be setting weekly tasks including spelling, maths and comprehension. (One week maths and then the next comprehension).

Homework will be given out on Fridays and will be due in the following Wednesday.

If you need support with the homework OR want to discuss anything PLEASE pop a note in the red book - remind your child to hand it in- and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Friends, Romans, Tudorittes! Lead me your ears!

Yes, that's right... you 'Ceasar' it correctly... Year 3 are going a bit Roman this term

Who were the Romans?

Why did they have such a big Empire?

Did everyone want the Romans in Britain?

How did the Romans help Britain?

What was it like to live as a Roman?

What happened at Pompeii?

How do volcanoes explode?

Where would we find volcanoes?

This term we will be aiming to answer these and other questions about the Romans and volcanoes.  If you would like to see more detail for each of our areas of study. Please look at the overview at the bottom of this should look like this:

Keep an eye on our blog (which we aim to update once a week) for allour learning!

If you have any questions, please write a note in the red book and we can arrange a meeting/phone call as required.

Thank you for your continued support, Team Year 3!