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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

How we responded to the school closures

The enforced school closures of 2020 and 2021 were an incredibly challenging time for all schools. At Tudor Primary, we were determined to maintain the vital partnership that exists between home and school.

We remain incredibly proud of the 'Tudor Primary Remote Learning Offer' which can still be accessed at the bottom of this page. Have a look at how the team actively engaged and supported the children. 

This section of our website also shares some further evidence of how we continued to be at the HEART of the community. As well as being committed to daily contact with all our learners we ensured that the school was pro active in supporting all in our local community (and further afield). Working in partnership with TKMaxx, we were also able to deliver gift/ care packages to over 1000 people, including those most vulnerable in Hemel Hempstead. 

- ensuring our partnership remains in school and in the home... 

Just a few examples of the fantastic feedback we received:

'What a pleasure it was to visit the school yesterday; the children were a credit to the school... may I also praise the teachers and your staff for battling through this very difficult situation; I think we forget sometimes that, particularly your staff have coped brilliantly well through this very, very difficult situation; many of them worked all the way through as I am very aware of. A big THANK YOU from me.'

- Sir Mike Penning- MP for Hemel Hempstead



'The school has been exceptional during this year. The support on hand from the teachers has been fantastic, and the resources which we were provided with - such as workbooks - were gratefully received.

As neither myself or my husband work in the education sector, home schooling has been both rewarding and challenging. However, I am certain with all this in place, it has made our lives a lot easier. 

We can see the hard work that everyone has put in throughout this difficult time, and are aware that there would have been a lot more implemented behind the scenes. For all of this we are very grateful our children go to Tudor.'

In the news:

From 'Hemel Today'

Staff and residents at a care home in Hemel Hempstead have thanked families, friends, local businesses and members of the local community for all their support during the coronavirus pandemic.

Mountbatten Lodge care home received sweet treats, pampering goodies, home-made cakes, drinks, letters and beautiful drawings amongst many other items, and they want to take the opportunity to let everybody know how much these items have meant to them.

They have given special mentions go to Tudor School, Liberty Tea Rooms and Community Hub, Euro Car Parts and local residents Haylea, Bradley, Sue Newton, Robert Courtney, Richard Swaby, Emma and Terry, all of whom have been incredibly generous.

Our message to key workers:

Some of the (many) cards we received: