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Tudor Primary School

Tudor Primary School

Do ensure you stay informed about life at Tudor. Let's keep working TOGETHER!

Newsletter 10- Friday 31st January 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

The term is well underway and the classroom walls are being filled with super work from the children. The themes are certainly engaging the children. Just this week, the corridors of Tudor were filled with rumours of a theft. A pack of doughnuts had gone missing and a number of staff were under suspicion- believe me when I said that the grilling I personally received prepared me well for any future inspection from Ofsted! (It wasn’t me by the way… honest!) We were also visited this week by an ‘Invictus Games’ athlete- he was so inspiring and the children were able to find out about how you can really achieve anything if you go for it!

Despite this positive picture, it is important to share some expectations that ALL schools must recognise. There has been a huge investment in the wellbeing and support of children at Tudor over the past few years and we remain thrilled with the atmosphere that is found in school. However, as other headteachers recognise, there is an increasing concern in the lack of resilience demonstrated in and around school. I am aware that this can be a rather delicate subject and people do have very different views on the ‘pressures’ that exist in society today. Such discussion could take over this complete newsletter (and more) by itself but, in short, we must work together if we are to be successful. All at Tudor recognise our role in ensuring children remain in school and benefit from a full education but it is the duty of the parent/ carer to ensure that the child attends school and is ready for learning. Such lines can become blurred and I pledge to remain visible and available at the start and end of each day to support children and families but, considering the already shared fact that children are only IN school for 19% of their waking life, there is only so much we can do. Appropriate messages about full attendance, facing fears, social media, dietary choices are most powerful when led (and demonstrated) from home and they really do make a difference when consistently given.

Since 2016, approximately 100 children have left other provisions and moved INTO Tudor Primary (not including Nursery/ Reception pupils) and 50% of these have come from Hemel Schools. The fact that very few have left in the opposite direction means that we are only handful of pupils from full capacity. This, I believe, is an indicator that we are giving children a ‘good deal’ at Tudor. I look forward to your support in helping our children fulfil their potential…

Making sure we ‘are doing the right thing’…

I mentioned in the last newsletter that we are keen to work closely with the advisory teams at county. As headteacher, I have a duty to ensure what we are doing is right and I am determined we remain committed to our ongoing development as a school. I mentioned the super recent feedback in relation to our systems and structures for SEND provision and this week we followed that up with a visit from one of the county advisors for science. In recent times, it has become very apparent that too many schools have narrowed their curricular provision and had far too much emphasis on teaching to tests. As a result, this has had a negative impact on the more creative and expressive opportunities for children and this is why I was determined to introduce a whole school creative curriculum at Tudor following my arrival. Whilst I look forward to receiving the ‘science report’ from the advisory team, the initial feedback highlighted that we are meeting the demands of the curriculum but we are also doing it in a way that engages children and stimulates their interests. Just only recently, a child in key stage 2 showed me their artwork- I asked them to describe it and they said that they were drawing portraits as part of a Police Identification Badge (Crime and Punishment theme)… but they were doing in the style of Picasso! Go #TeamTudor- it really is about making that learning memorable! 

Spring term consultation evenings- a ‘Mid-Year Review’

The system is now live for booking appointments to the Spring term consultations. In the first few days, 66% of families signed up for an appointment. If you have not signed up yet, please make sure you visit as all children deserve to be represented by their family at this vital meeting. Mid-year reports will be shared as well as key priorities for the remainder of the year. We look forward to seeing you on the 11th or 13th February.

Text Box: SEND at Tudor-
 - If your child has a special educational need and you would like to book a parent consultation appointment with Miss Reading, our interim inclusion coordinator, please visit Appointments are available from 3.30-7pm on Tuesday 11th or Thursday 13th February. 
- On Tuesday 11th February we have our SEND Friends Coffee Morning. SEND Friends coffee morning is a friendly and supportive coffee morning for parents of children with additional needs. We meet in the school library from 8.45. It would be great to see you there! 
- Please remember that Miss Reading is available every Monday morning, in the school library from 8.45-9.30 providing a ‘drop-in’ service. Please go and see her if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child.

Our regular SEND update will appear on each newsletter… communication is KEY!

Payments for After School Clubs- Regarding after school clubs at Tudor Primary, parents are reminded that any payments for our after school clubs are due by 7th February. The school remains committed to subsidising such opportunities but the sustainability of the clubs is reliant on prompt payments. Thank you for your understanding

The office team would like to ask more parents to consider using Schoolgateway app for payments. It really is a safe and efficient way to keep up to date with all Tudor-related payments! Please use it if possible!

Friends of Tudor- If you would like to become involved with the FOT, you are warmly invited to the next meeting on Tuesday 4th February at 7.30pm.

Seeing is BELIEVING! A Tudor Tour and opportunity for feedback…

Would you like a tour of Tudor during the school day? Would you like to find out more about how we present the curriculum? If so, do contact the school office and register your interest for a ‘Tudor Tour’. As well as experiencing what school life is like at Tudor you will have opportunities to ask questions and find out about plans for the future. There are many forms of communication in operation at Tudor and I am proud of the clear (and varied) systems and structures in place. Please contact the school office if you would like this ‘new’ opportunity.

I must say that Tudor remains a very special place and the children will always be our biggest selling point. It amused me this week when a number of children came to see me this week to question why the merit badges are not actually made of the ‘correct materials’.

These are not real bronze badges because bronze is not actually a magnetic material’ was the complaint I received…

Oops- #FOUNDOUT!  Sorry children…

Mr Rob Weightman/ Headteacher